Traditional form
褲子Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíType
Pictograph of a small child with its two arms outstretched.Positional decomposition
⿻了一Number of Strokes
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Example sentences using 裤子 kùzi
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 裤子 kùzi in different contexts.
孩子 háizi 裤子 kùzi 的 de 膝盖 xīgài 处 chǔ 磨 mó 破 pò 了 le .
The child's trousers have worn through at the knees.
他 tā 不 bù 得不系 xì 上 shǎng 腰带 yāo dài 才能 cái néng 使 shǐ 裤子 kùzi 不掉下来 xià lai .
He has to wear a belt to make his trousers stay up.
裤子 kùzi Compounds
See all 81 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 裤子 kùzi in their composition.
- 裤 kù
- 子 zǐ
- 好 hǎo
- 孬 nāo , 恏 hào
- 享 xiǎng
- 敦 dūn
- 郭 guō
- 廓 kuò , 墎
- 孰 shú
- 醇 chún , 淳 chún , 鹑 chún , 谆 zhūn , 椁 guǒ , 惇 dūn , 亸 duǒ , 啍 tūn , 崞 guō , 焞 tūn , 犉 rún , 錞, 鯙 chún , 嚲, 埻, 弴, 朜, 稕, 綧, 蜳, 諄 zhūn , 鞟, 韕, 鶉 chún
- 斿 yóu
- 孨 zhuǎn
- 仔 zǎi , 李 Lǐ , 籽 zǐ , 囝 jiǎn , 屘 mǎn , 惸 qióng , 耔 zǐ , 吇, 斈 xué , 杍, 汓, 矷 zǐ , 秄, 箰, 芓, 虸, 覎, 觃 yàn , 賯, 逰, 釨