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Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 蓝 Lán .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 蓝 Lán
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 蓝 Lán in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
她 tā 的 de 女伴 nǚ bàn 身体 shēntǐ 稍 shāo 矮 ǎi , 头发 tóufa 淡 dàn 褐色 hè sè ,富于 fù yú 表情 biǎoqíng 有 yǒu 双 Shuāng 蓝 Lán 眼睛 yǎnjing .
Her companion was of lower stature, with lightbrown hair and expressive blue eyes.
蓝 Lán 却 què 不 bù 相信 xiāngxìn ,而 ér 冬 dōng 美 Měi 要求 yāoqiú 输入 shūrù 她 tā 的 de 名字 míngzi 送 sòng 出去 chū qù .
Fuyumi asks Ai to write her name and send it out.
哨 shào 站 zhàn 建设 jiànshè 研究 yánjiū 蓝图 lán tú 应用 yìngyòng 时 shí 已 yǐ 计算 jìsuàn 损耗 sǔn hào 系数 xì shù .
Wastage is now applied to Outpost construction platform blueprints.
Words with 蓝 Lán
Explore 22 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 蓝 Lán in their composition.
To complete this step you need to read and scroll down.
Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
蓝 Lán | blue | 藍 lán | |
蓝色 lán sè | blue (color) | 藍色 | |
蓝天 lán tiān | blue sky | 藍天 | |
蓝图 lán tú | blueprint | 藍圖 | |
蔚蓝 wèilán | azure | 蔚藍 | |
蓝宝石 lán bǎo shí | sapphire | 藍寶石 | |
甘蓝 gān lán | cabbage | 甘藍 | |
蓝领 lán lǐng | blue-collar | 藍領 | |
湛蓝 zhàn lán | azure | 湛藍 | |
蓝本 lán běn | blueprint | 藍本 | |
蓝皮书 lán pí shū | an official report (e.g. governmental) | 藍皮書 | |
天蓝 tiān lán | sky blue | 天藍 | |
天蓝色 tiān lán sè | azure | 天藍色 | |
蓝藻 lán zǎo | cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) | 藍藻 | |
蓝山 Lán shān | Lanshan county in Yongzhou 永州 Yǒng zhōu [Yǒngzhōu], Hunan | 藍山 | |
板蓝根 bǎn lán gēn | indigo woad root | 板藍根 | |
碧蓝 bì lán | dark blue | 碧藍 | |
蓝田 Lán tián | Lantian county in Xi'an 西安 Xī ān [Xī'ān], Shaanxi | 藍田 | |
蓝鲸 lán jīng | blue whale | 藍鯨 | |
深蓝 Shēn lán | Deep Blue, chess-playing computer, first to defeat reigning world champion, developed by IBM (1985-1997) | 深藍 | |
蓝光 Lán guāng | Blu-ray (disc format) | 藍光 | |
海军蓝 hǎi jūn lán | navy blue | 海軍藍 |