Traditional form
比較Part of speech
Adverb / 副词 fù cí Fù cíType
Pictograph of two people side-by-side, conveying the meaning "to put together", "match", or "compare".Positional decomposition
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Example sentences using 比较 bǐjiào
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 比较 bǐjiào in different contexts.
乔 qiáo 并不比他 tā 的 de 朋友 péngyou 富 Fù .[乔 qiáo 和 hé 他的朋友一样 yīyàng 穷 qióng .](比较 bǐjiào :Joewas notricher thanhisfriend.乔 qiáo 比不上 bǐ bù shàng 他的朋友富. )
Joe was no richer than his friend.
比较 bǐjiào 不 bù 常见 cháng jiàn 的 de 浸蚀多聚物 wù 的 de 化学 huàxué 浸蚀物有 yǒu 酸 suān 、 碱 jiǎn .
Less common reagents that attack polymers include acids, bases.
我 wǒ 个人 gèrén 比较 bǐjiào 喜欢 xǐhuan 秋 Qiū ( 春 chūn ) 天 tiān 的 de 天气 tiānqì .
Personally, I prefer fall ( spring ) weather.
比较 bǐjiào Compounds
See all 97 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 比较 bǐjiào in their composition.
- 比 Bǐ
- 毕 Bì
- 皆 jiē
- 谐 xié , 偕 xié , 楷 kǎi , 揩 kāi , 階 jiē , 諧 xié , 喈 jiē , 湝 jiē , 锴 kǎi , 龤 xié , 勓, 堦, 媘, 煯, 瑎, 稭, 蒈 kǎi , 蝔, 鍇, 鶛
- 昆 kūn
- 崑 kūn
- 熴 kūn
- 混 hún , 棍 gùn , 馄 hún , 婫, 醌 kūn , 辊 gǔn , 鲲 kūn , 掍 hùn , 焜 kūn , 琨 kūn , 绲 gǔn , 菎 kūn , 锟 kūn , 騉 kūn , 鹍 kūn , 倱, 堒, 尡, 崐, 惃, 猑, 窤, 箟, 緄 gǔn , 蜫, 裩, 輥 gǔn , 錕 kūn , 餛 hún , 鯤 kūn , 鵾 kūn
- 坒 bì
- 毚 chán
- 儳 chàn , 劖 chán , 嚵 chán , 攙 chān
- 屁 pì , 批 pī , 毙 bì , 庇 bì , 琵 pí , 吡 bǐ , 纰 pī , 砒 pī , 毗 pí , 毖 bì , 秕 bǐ , 蚍 pí , 仳 pǐ , 妣 bǐ , 枇 pí , 沘 bǐ , 玭 pín , 笓 pí , 舭 bǐ , 芘 pí , 嫓, 枈, 毘, 毞, 疪, 粃, 粊, 紕 pī , 肶, 豼, 鈚, 阰 pí , 魮
- 较 jiào