春 chūn
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春 chūn Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 12 English Translations of the word 春 chūn .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- chūn | chun1
- English translation
- old variant of 春 chūn [chūn]
- spring (time)
- gay
- joyful
- youthful
- love
- lust
- life
- surname Chun
- springtime; joyful, lustful, wanton
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Chinese word 春 chūn .
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Example sentences using 春 chūn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 春 chūn in different contexts.
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Words with 春 chūn
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 春 chūn in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
春 chūn | gay | 春 chūn | |
春天 chūn tiān | spring (season) | 春天 chūn tiān | |
青春 qīngchūn | youth | 青春 qīngchūn | |
春节 Chūn jié | Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) | 春節 | |
青春期 qīng chūn qī | puberty | 青春期 qīng chūn qī | |
春季 chūn jì | springtime | 春季 chūn jì | |
长春 Cháng chūn | Changchun subprovincial city and capital of Jilin province 吉林省 Jí lín Shěng in northeast China | 長春 | |
春运 chūn yùn | (increased) passenger transportation around Chinese New Year | 春運 | |
春假 chūn jià | spring break | 春假 chūn jià | |
春秋 Chūn qiū | year | 春秋 Chūn qiū | |
新春 xīn chūn | the beginning of Spring | 新春 xīn chūn | |
常春藤 cháng chūn téng | ivy | 常春藤 cháng chūn téng | |
春光 chūn guāng | scenes of springtime | 春光 chūn guāng | |
李宇春 Lǐ Yǔ chūn | Li Yuchun aka Chris Lee (1984-), Chinese pop singer | 李宇春 Lǐ Yǔ chūn | |
春卷 chūn juǎn | egg roll | 春捲 | |
春梦 chūn mèng | spring dream | 春夢 | |
春日 Chūn rì | Chunri or Chunjih township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县 Píng dōng Xiàn [PíngdōngXiàn], Taiwan | 春日 Chūn rì | |
春耕 chūn gēng | to plow a field in the spring | 春耕 chūn gēng | |
春药 chūn yào | aphrodisiac | 春藥 | |
长春市 Cháng chūn shì | Changchun subprovincial city and capital of Jilin province 吉林省 Jí lín Shěng in northeast China | 長春市 | |
青春痘 qīng chūn dòu | acne | 青春痘 qīng chūn dòu | |
开春 kāi chūn | beginning of spring | 開春 | |
春色 chūn sè | colors of spring | 春色 chūn sè | |
春风得意 chūn fēng dé yì | flushed with success | 春風得意 |
春 chūn Decomposition & Compounds
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