Traditional form
應該Part of speech
Verb / 动词 dòng cí DòngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 应该 yīnggāi .
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Example sentences using 应该 yīnggāi
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 应该 yīnggāi in different contexts.
上班 shàngbān 之前 zhī qián 你 nǐ 应该 yīnggāi 吃 chī 饱 bǎo 早饭 zǎo fàn .
You should eat your breakfast before going to work.
应该 yīnggāi 注意 zhùyì 的 de 是 shì ,谁 shuí 也 Yě 不 bù 愿 yuàn 代替 dàitì 他 tā 的 de 位置 wèizhi .
It'should be noted that no one would like to take his place.
你 nǐ 应该 yīnggāi 教 Jiào 这 zhè 孩子 háizi 懂 dǒng 点 diǎn 礼貌 lǐmào .
You should drill some manners into the boy.