Learn the Chinese word 带 dài in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 带 dài .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice.
To complete this step you need to write the word once.
Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 带 dài
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 带 dài in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
作品 zuòpǐn 是 shì 微妙 wēi miào 的 de , 冷僻 lěng pì 的 de , 幻想 huànxiǎng 的 de 一 yī 幅 fú 带 dài 紫 zǐ 边 biān 的 de 雪景.
The work was subtle, remote, fanciful - a snow scene with purple edges.
最初 zuìchū 粗糙 cūcāo 地 de 刻 kè 在 zài 墓碑 mù bēi 上 shǎng 的 de 骷髅 kū lóu 与 yú 交叉 jiāochā 的 de 大腿骨图形 tú xíng ,已为带 dài 翅膀 chìbǎng 的 de 天使 tiān shǐ 所 suǒ 代替 dàitì .
The skull - and - crossbones crudely carved on the first tombstones was replaced by a winged cherub.
Words with 带 dài
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 带 dài in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
带 dài | band | 帶 dài | |
带来 dài lái | to bring | 帶來 | |
带走 dài zǒu | to carry | 帶走 | |
带领 dàilǐng | to guide | 帶領 | |
带动 dài dòng | to spur | 帶動 | |
携带 xiédài | to support (old) | 攜帶 | |
一带 yī dài | region | 一帶 | |
地带 dì dài | zone | 地帶 | |
带回 dài huí | to bring back | 帶回 | |
宽带 kuān dài | broadband | 寬帶 | |
带子 dài zi | belt | 帶子 | |
领带 lǐng dài | necktie | 領帶 | |
录像带 lù xiàng dài | video cassette | 錄像帶 | |
带头 dài tóu | to take the lead | 帶頭 | |
安全带 ān quán dài | seat belt | 安全帶 | |
腰带 yāo dài | belt | 腰帶 | |
皮带 pí dài | strap | 皮帶 | |
磁带 cídài | magnetic tape | 磁帶 | |
连带 lián dài | to be related | 連帶 | |
胶带 jiāo dài | adhesive tape | 膠帶 | |
纽带 niǔ dài | tie | 紐帶 | |
带有 dài yǒu | to have | 帶有 | |
绷带 bēng dài | bandage (loanword) | 繃帶 | |
韧带 rèn dài | ligament | 韌帶 | |
附带 fù dài | supplementary | 附帶 |
带 dài Decomposition & Compounds
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