层 céng
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层 céng Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 10 English Translations of the word 层 céng .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- céng | ceng2
- English translation
- layer
- stratum
- laminated
- floor (of a building)
- storey
- classifier for layers
- repeated
- sheaf (math.)
- layer, floor, story, stratum
Learn the Chinese word 层 céng in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
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Chinese word 层 céng .
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Spread the word
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Example sentences using 层 céng
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 层 céng in different contexts.
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苍茫 cāng máng 依然 yīrán , 光辉 guānghuī 正 zhēng 穿透 chuān tòu 尘 chén 灰 huī 的 de 层 céng 云 yún .
Misty it is still, glowing through clouds of dust and reek.
苑 yuàn 川 Chuān 河 hé 断层 duàn céng 属 shǔ 金 Jīn 城关 chéng guān 断层 duàn céng 东 Dōng 延 Yán 部分 bùfen .
Court River fault is the fault Chengguan extension of the East.
Words with 层 céng
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 层 céng in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
层 céng | layer | 層 céng | |
高层 gāo céng | high level | 高層 | |
层次 céngcì | layer | 層次 | |
基层 jī céng | basic level | 基層 | |
层面 céng miàn | aspect | 層面 | |
阶层 jiēcéng | hierarchy | 階層 | |
上层 shàng céng | upper layer | 上層 | |
楼层 lóu céng | story | 樓層 | |
底层 dǐ céng | ground or first floor | 底層 | |
层层 céng céng | layer upon layer | 層層 | |
断层 duàn céng | fault (geology) | 斷層 | |
深层 shēn céng | deep | 深層 | |
顶层 dǐng céng | top floor | 頂層 | |
双层 shuāng céng | double tier | 雙層 | |
大气层 dà qì céng | atmosphere | 大氣層 | |
下层 xià céng | underlayer | 下層 | |
云层 yún céng | the clouds | 雲層 | |
表层 biǎo céng | surface layer | 表層 | |
中层 zhōng céng | middle-ranking | 中層 | |
层出不穷 céngchūbùqióng | more and more emerge | 層出不窮 | |
更上一层楼 gèng shàng yī céng lóu | to take it up a notch | 更上一層樓 | |
地层 dì céng | stratum (geology) | 地層 | |
皮层 pí céng | cortex | 皮層 | |
夹层 jiā céng | mezzanine | 夾層 |