Traditional form
頭髮Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 头发 tóufa .
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Example sentences using 头发 tóufa
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 头发 tóufa in different contexts.
她 tā 叹 tàn 了 le 口 kǒu 气 qì , 站 zhàn 了 le 起来 qǐlai , 不由自主 bù yóu zì zhǔ 地 de 拉 lā 好 hǎo 裙子 qúnzi ,摸 mō 平头 píng tóu 发 fā .
She sighed, stood up, automatically adjusted her skirt and smoothed her hair.
她 tā 的 de 女伴 nǚ bàn 身体 shēntǐ 稍 shāo 矮 ǎi , 头发 tóufa 淡 dàn 褐色 hè sè ,富于 fù yú 表情 biǎoqíng 有 yǒu 双 Shuāng 蓝 Lán 眼睛 yǎnjing .
Her companion was of lower stature, with lightbrown hair and expressive blue eyes.