Traditional form
發燒Part of speech
Verb / 动词 dòng cí DòngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 发烧 fāshāo .
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Example sentences using 发烧 fāshāo
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 发烧 fāshāo in different contexts.
我 wǒ 低头 dī tóu 递 dì 茶 chá 递 dì 手巾 shǒu jīn , 我 wǒ 的 de 脸 liǎn 发烧 fāshāo .
While serving them tea or handing out face cloths, I kept my head down and blushed.
他 tā 觉得 juéde 疲倦 píjuàn 、 渴 kě 睡 shuì 、 有点儿 yǒu diǎn r 发烧 fāshāo .
He was tired, sleepy, and feverish.
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