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Chinese word 世 Shì .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 世 Shì
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 世 Shì in different contexts.
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他 tā 觉得 juéde 人们 rén men 看 kān 不 bù 起 qǐ 他不懂 dǒng 人情 rén qíng 世故 shì gù .
He felt people were contemptuous of his lack of sophistication.
班夫的 de 第 dì 8高尔夫球 gāo ěr fū qiú 洞 dòng 是 shì 世界 shìjiè 上 shǎng 最 zuì 棒 bàng 的高尔夫球洞之一 zhī yī .
The eighth at Banff is one of the world's great golf holes.
在 zài 我 wǒ 看来 kàn lai ,彼得 Bǐ dé 还 Huán 不 bù 懂 dǒng 人情 rén qíng 世故 shì gù .
It'seems to me that Peter has seen nothing of life.
Words with 世 Shì
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 世 Shì in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
世界 shìjiè | world | 世界 shìjiè | |
世纪 shìjì | century | 世紀 | |
世 Shì | life | 世 Shì | |
全世界 quán shì jiè | worldwide | 全世界 quán shì jiè | |
去世 qùshì | to die | 去世 qùshì | |
世上 shì shàng | on earth | 世上 shì shàng | |
世界杯 Shì jiè bēi | World Cup | 世界杯 Shì jiè bēi | |
世人 shì rén | everyone | 世人 shì rén | |
过世 guò shì | to die | 過世 | |
世间 shì jiān | world | 世間 | |
世锦赛 shì jǐn sài | world championship | 世錦賽 | |
救世主 Jiù shì zhǔ | the Savior (in Christianity) | 救世主 Jiù shì zhǔ | |
世界大战 shì jiè dà zhàn | world war | 世界大戰 | |
逝世 shìshì | to die | 逝世 shìshì | |
世事 shì shì | affairs of life | 世事 shì shì | |
人世 rén shì | the world | 人世 rén shì | |
在世 zài shì | to be alive | 在世 zài shì | |
中世纪 zhōng shì jì | medieval | 中世紀 | |
世俗 shì sú | profane | 世俗 shì sú | |
世界级 shì jiè jí | world-class | 世界級 | |
世界观 shì jiè guān | worldview | 世界觀 | |
一世 yī shì | generation | 一世 yī shì | |
入世 rù shì | to join the WTO | 入世 rù shì | |
乱世 luàn shì | the world in chaos | 亂世 | |
问世 wènshì | to be published | 問世 |
世 Shì Decomposition & Compounds
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世 Shì Compounds
See all 57 Chinese words that contain the character 世 Shì in their composition.
- 世 Shì
- 贳 shì
- 勚 yì
- 枼 yè
- 葉 yè
- 蠂 shè , 僷, 擛, 瞸, 鐷
- 谍 dié , 碟 dié , 蝶 dié , 喋 dié , 牒 dié , 鰈 dié , 鲽 dié , 堞 dié , 媟 xiè , 屧 xiè , 揲 dié , 楪 dié , 殜 dié , 渫 xiè , 煠 yè , 緤 xiè , 蹀 dié , 鍱 yè , 韘 shè , 偞, 屟, 幉, 弽, 惵, 牃, 艓, 褋, 諜 dié , 鞢
- 貰
- 勩
- 泄 xiè , 屉 tì , 笹, 抴 yè , 枻 yì , 疶 xiè , 绁 xiè , 迣 zhì , 伳, 呭, 怈, 朑, 玴, 紲, 袣, 詍, 跇, 鉪, 靾, 髰, 齛