门 Mén
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门 Mén Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 25 English Translations of the word 门 Mén .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- Mén | Men2
- English translation
- surname Men
- gate
- door
- CL:扇 shān [shàn]
- gateway
- doorway
- CL:個 gè
- >个 gè [gè]
- opening
- valve
- switch
- way to do something
- knack
- family
- house
- (religious) sect
- school (of thought)
- class
- category
- phylum or division (taxonomy)
- classifier for large guns
- classifier for lessons, subjects, branches of technology
- gate, door, entrance, opening
Learn the Chinese word 门 Mén in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 门 Mén .
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Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 门 Mén
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 门 Mén in different contexts.
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Words with 门 Mén
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 门 Mén in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
门 Mén | gate | 門 mén | |
部门 bùmén | department | 部門 | |
专门 zhuānmén | specialist | 專門 | |
开门 kāi mén | to open for business | 開門 | |
出门 chū mén | to go out | 出門 | |
厦门 Xià mén | Xiamen or Amoy, subprovincial city in Fujian, abbr. 廈 shà |厦 Xià [Xià] | 廈門 | |
大门 Dà mén | entrance | 大門 | |
关门 guān mén | to close a door | 關門 | |
门口 mén kǒu | doorway | 門口 | |
门票 mén piào | ticket (for theater, cinema etc) | 門票 | |
上门 shàng mén | to drop in | 上門 | |
阿门 ā mén | amen (loanword) | 阿門 | |
门前 mén qián | in front of the door | 門前 | |
敲门 qiāo mén | to knock on a door | 敲門 | |
后门 hòu mén | anus | 後門 | |
热门 rèmén | popular | 熱門 | |
家门 jiā mén | house door | 家門 | |
澳门 Aò mén | Macao | 澳門 | |
射门 shè mén | (soccer, handball etc) to kick or shoot the ball towards the goal | 射門 | |
前门 Qián mén | front door | 前門 | |
门诊 mén zhěn | outpatient service | 門診 | |
车门 chē mén | car door | 車門 | |
门槛 mén kǎn | doorstep | 門檻 | |
门锁 mén suǒ | door lock | 門鎖 |
门 Mén Decomposition & Compounds
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门 Mén Compounds
See all 65 Chinese words that contain the character 门 Mén in their composition.
- 门 Mén
- 间 jiān
- 闲 xián
- 阁 gé
- 搁 gē
- 闷 mēn
- 焖 mèn
- 阑 lán
- 闵 mǐn
- 悯 mǐn
- 闰 rùn
- 润 rùn
- 闾 lǘ
- 榈 lǘ
- 蔺 lìn
- 躏 lìn
- 们 men , 问 wèn , 闭 bì , 闻 Wén , 闪 Shǎn , 闹 nào , 闯 chuǎng , 阅 yuè , 阔 kuò , 闸 zhá , 阀 fá , 阉 yān , 闺 guī , 阐 chǎn , 扪 mén , 阂 hé , 闩 shuān , 阎 yán , 阄 jiū , 阖 hé , 阙 quē , 阋 xì , 阈 yù , 闱 wéi , 钔 mén , 訚 yín , 闫 yàn , 闬 hàn , 闳 hóng , 闶 kāng , 闼 tà , 闽 mǐn , 闿 kǎi , 阃 kǔn , 阆 láng , 阇 dū , 阊 chāng , 阌 wén , 阍 hūn , 阏 è , 阒 qù , 阓 huì , 阕 què , 阗 tián , 阘 tà , 阚 hǎn , 阛 huán