站 zhàn
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站 zhàn Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 8 English Translations of the word 站 zhàn .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- zhàn | zhan4
- English translation
- station
- to stand
- to halt
- to stop
- branch of a company or organization
- website
- stand, station; to halt, to stand; website; measure word for stands and stations
Learn the Chinese word 站 zhàn in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 站 zhàn .
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ready to practice.
To complete this step you need to write the word once.
Spread the word
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Example sentences using 站 zhàn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 站 zhàn in different contexts.
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她 tā 叹 tàn 了 le 口 kǒu 气 qì , 站 zhàn 了 le 起来 qǐlai , 不由自主 bù yóu zì zhǔ 地 de 拉 lā 好 hǎo 裙子 qúnzi ,摸 mō 平头 píng tóu 发 fā .
She sighed, stood up, automatically adjusted her skirt and smoothed her hair.
我 wǒ 已 yǐ 安排 ānpái 了 le 一 yī 辆 liàng 汽车 qì chē 去 qù 车站 chē zhàn 接 jiē 他们 tā men .
I've arranged for a car to pick them up at the station.
请 qǐng 让 ràng 我 wǒ 在 zài 下 xià 一站下车 xià chē 好 hǎo 吗 mǎ ?
Would you let me off the bus at the next stop, please ?
Words with 站 zhàn
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 站 zhàn in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
站 zhàn | station | 站 zhàn | |
网站 wǎngzhàn | website | 網站 | |
车站 chē zhàn | rail station | 車站 | |
站住 zhàn zhù | to stand | 站住 zhàn zhù | |
火车站 huǒchēzhàn | train station | 火車站 | |
加油站 jiāyóuzhàn | gas station | 加油站 jiāyóuzhàn | |
站起来 zhàn qǐ lai | to stand up | 站起來 | |
站台 zhàn tái | platform (at a railway station) | 站台 zhàn tái | |
站立 zhàn lì | to stand | 站立 zhàn lì | |
空间站 kōng jiān zhàn | space station | 空間站 | |
中转站 zhōng zhuǎn zhàn | hub (network equipment) | 中轉站 | |
电站 diàn zhàn | a power station | 電站 | |
收费站 shōu fèi zhàn | tollbooth | 收費站 | |
站稳 zhàn wěn | to stand firm | 站穩 | |
核电站 hé diàn zhàn | nuclear power plant | 核電站 | |
工作站 gōng zuò zhàn | (computer) workstation | 工作站 gōng zuò zhàn | |
站长 zhàn zhǎng | station master | 站長 | |
检查站 jiǎn chá zhàn | checkpoint | 檢查站 | |
终点站 zhōng diǎn zhàn | terminus | 終點站 | |
水电站 shuǐ diàn zhàn | hydroelectric power plant | 水電站 | |
地铁站 dì tiě zhàn | subway station | 地鐵站 | |
总站 zǒng zhàn | terminus | 總站 | |
站岗 zhàn gǎng | to stand guard | 站崗 | |
分站 fēn zhàn | substation | 分站 fēn zhàn | |
站点 zhàn diǎn | website | 站點 |