Traditional form
告訴Part of speech
Verb / 动词 dòng cí DòngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 告诉 gàosu .
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Example sentences using 告诉 gàosu
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 告诉 gàosu in different contexts.
方 Fāng 鸿 hóng 渐要博 bó 鲍 bào 小姐 xiǎojie 欢心 huān xīn ,便 biàn 把 bǎ “ 黑 Hēi 甜 tián ” 、 “ 朱古力 zhū gǔ lì 小姐 xiǎojie ” 那些 nà xiē 亲昵 qīn nì 的 de 称呼 chēnghu 告诉 gàosu 她 tā .
He tried to amuse her by calling her the affectionate nicknames " Dark Sweetie " and " Miss Chocolate. "
谁 shuí 告诉 gàosu 你 nǐ 玛丽 Mǎ lì 和 hé 我 wǒ 已经 yǐjīng 离婚 líhūn 了 le ?
Who told you that Mary and I had split up?
你 nǐ 把 bǎ 那 Nā 件事告诉 gàosu 了 le 我 wǒ ,真是 zhēn shi 太 tài 好 hǎo 了 le .
It's too kind of you to have told me that.