Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 朋友 péngyou .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice writing it yourself.
Example sentences using 朋友 péngyou
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 朋友 péngyou in different contexts.
噢 ō , 彬 bīn 格莱先生 Xiānsheng 的 de 马 Mǎ 车 Chē 要 yāo 送 sòng 他 tā 的 de 朋友 péngyou 到 dào 麦里屯 tún 去 qù , 赫 hè 斯脱夫妇 fūfù 又 yòu 是 shì 有 yǒu 车 Chē 无 wú 马 Mǎ .
Oh! but the gentlemen will have Mr. Bingley's chaise to go to Meryton; and the Hursts have no horses to theirs.
乔 qiáo 并不比他 tā 的 de 朋友 péngyou 富 Fù .[乔 qiáo 和 hé 他的朋友一样 yīyàng 穷 qióng .](比较 bǐjiào :Joewas notricher thanhisfriend.乔 qiáo 比不上 bǐ bù shàng 他的朋友富. )
Joe was no richer than his friend.
安东尼奥最 zuì 好 hǎo 的 de 朋友 péngyou 是 shì 一 yī 为 wéi 名叫 míng jiào 巴萨 Bā sà 尼奥的 de 年轻人 nián qīng rén .
Antonio's best friend was a young man named Bassanio.