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西 Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 6 English Translations of the word 西.

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Pīnyīn Pronunciation
Xī | Xi1
English translation
the West
abbr. for Spain 西班牙 Xī bān yá [Xī bān yá]
west, western, westward

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About 西

Read some general information about the Chinese word 西.

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Number of strokes


Traditional form


Contains the radical


Part of speech

Location word / 方位词 fāng wèi cí Fāngwèi cí

Learning hint

A bird settling into its nest, representing sunset; compare  dōng

Etymology of 西

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word 西.

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Positional decomposition



Origin unclear. Variously explained as a bag or bird's nest.

Write it!

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Chinese word 西.
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Example sentences using 西

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 西in different contexts.

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饭菜 fàn cài 而外, Huán chī líng shí , 肚子 dùzi Yuè 显形 xiǎn xíng , jiù 觉得 juéde 越须 duō chī hǎo 东西 dōngxī ;不能 bù néng 亏着 zuǐ .

Aside from meals, Tigress had to eat between them.

yǒu diǎn 东西 dōngxī , zhè 一次 yī cì Quán diū le .

I used to have some things, but now they've all been lost.

赶快 gǎnkuài 东西 dōngxī zhuāng jìn 你们 nǐ men de Bāo , 5分钟 fēnzhōng Hòu 我们 wǒmen jiù zǒu .

Pack your bags and make It'snappy; we leave in five minutes.

de liǎn ,好象 hǎo xiàng 墨西哥 Mò xī gē 印第安人 Yìn dì ān rén (阿兹 Tái 克人) diāo jiā shì 着刻出来 chū lái de 塞巴斯蒂安 Sāi bā sī dì ān 的雕 xiàng .

He has the face as though an Aztec sculptor had attempted a portrait of Seba stian.

西班牙 Xī bān yá 领事馆 lǐngshìguǎn shì 银行 yínháng 对面 duìmiàn de 那栋高大 gāo dà de 白色 bái sè 建筑物 jiàn zhù wù .

The Spanish consulate is the large white building opposite the bank.

Words with 西

Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 西 in their composition.

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东西 dōngxī thing東西
西部 xī bù western part西部 xī bù
西方 Xī fāng the West西方 Xī fāng
西班牙 Xī bān yá Spain西班牙 Xī bān yá
墨西哥 Mò xī gē Mexico墨西哥 Mò xī gē
巴西 Bā xī Brazil巴西 Bā xī
西安 Xī ān Xi'an district of Liaoyuan city 遼源市|辽源市 Liáo yuán shì , Jilin西安 Xī ān
广西 Guǎng xī until 1959, Guangxi province廣西
西藏 Xī zàng Tibet西藏 Xī zàng
山西 Shān xī Shanxi province (Shansi) in north China between Hebei and Shaanxi, abbr. Jìn capital Taiyuan 太原 Tài yuán 山西 Shān xī
江西 Jiāng xī Jiangxi province (Kiangsi) in southeast China, abbr. gàn , capital Nanchang 南昌 Nán chāng 江西 Jiāng xī
西南 xī nán southwest西南 xī nán
陕西 Shǎn xī Shaanxi province (Shensi) in northwest China, abbr. shǎn | shǎn [Shǎn], capital Xi’an 西安市 Xī ān Shì [Xī​'ān​Shì]陝西
西装 xī zhuāng suit西裝
西德 Xī Dé West Germany西德 Xī Dé
西北 Xī běi Northwest China (Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang)西北 Xī běi
马来西亚 Mǎ lái xī yà Malaysia馬來西亞
西班牙语 Xī bān yá yǔ Spanish language西班牙語
西瓜 xīguā watermelon西瓜 xīguā
西湖 Xī hú Xihu or West lake (place name)西湖 Xī hú
切尔西 Qiè ěr xī Chelsea切爾西
新西兰 Xīn xī lán New Zealand新西蘭
西红柿 xīhóngshì tomato西紅柿

西 Decomposition & Compounds

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西 Decomposition

See the 3 Chinese characters that make up 西 and their own compounds.

西 Compounds

See all 202 Chinese words that contain the character 西 in their composition.

  • 西
    • shài
    • yǒu
      • qiú
        • zūn
          • zūn , dūn , zūn , zūn , , zūn , zǔn , zǔn , zūn , zūn , zǔn , jùn , , , , , ,
        • diàn , qiú , yóu , yóu , yóu , qiú , , qiū , , , , , , , ,
      • jiào
      • xìn
      • jiǔ , xǐng , pèi , , zuì , jiàng , suān , lào , chóu , , , chún , niàng , xūn , , tóng , méi , zhǐ , dīng , yùn , jiào , mǐng , zhuó , fēn , quán , , hān , , , tài , , kūn , gān , hǎi , xiān , táng , , yǒu , chuò , , zhòu , , zuì , máo , zhèn , tuó , , , , chéng
      • , lèi , , yàn , shāi , , táo , pēi , zhǎn , chuò , , tǎn , yùn , cuó , yòng , zhà , jiàng , , láo , , , tán , , , , , niàng , , líng , , jiào , , , , , , , , qiān , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • , , , , , , , , , , , , yān , , , , , , , , , chǒu , yùn , , , , , , , jiàng , , , , , , , niàng , , , , ,
    • yīn
      • yān , yān , yīn , yīn , juàn , yīn , , , , , ,
    • , qiàn , , , , , shěn , , ,
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A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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