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Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 肺 fèi .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 肺 fèi
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 肺 fèi in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
呼吸道 hū xī dào 给 gěi 肺 fèi 输送 shū sòng 富氧 的 de 空气 kōngqì .
The respiratory tract conveys oxygen - rich air to the lungs.
朱 zhū 老 lǎo 巩 gǒng 明白 míngbai 过来 guò lái ,是 shì 调 diào 虎 hǔ 离 lí 山 Shān 计 Jì , 一时 yī shí 气 qì 炸 zhá 了 le 肺 fèi .
So this had been a trick to lure the tiger from the mountain! Zhu Laogong's lungs nearly burst with rage.
象 xiàng 他 tā 那样 nà yàng 吃 chī 过 Guò 苦 kǔ 的 de 人 rén ,谁 shuí 能 Néng 不 bù 得 dé 肺病 fèi bìng ?
Who wouldn't be tubercular from the punishment he received?
Words with 肺 fèi
Explore 19 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 肺 fèi in their composition.
To complete this step you need to read and scroll down.
Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
肺 fèi | lung | 肺 fèi | |
肺癌 fèi aí | lung cancer | 肺癌 fèi aí | |
肺炎 fèi yán | pneumonia | 肺炎 fèi yán | |
肺结核 fèi jié hé | TB | 肺結核 | |
肺动脉 fèi dòng mài | pulmonary artery | 肺動脈 | |
没心没肺 méi xīn méi fèi | simple-minded | 沒心沒肺 | |
肺水肿 fèi shuǐ zhǒng | pulmonary edema | 肺水腫 | |
肺腑 fèi fǔ | bottom of the heart (fig.) | 肺腑 fèi fǔ | |
肺病 fèi bìng | lung disease | 肺病 fèi bìng | |
肺泡 fèi pào | pulmonary alveolus | 肺泡 fèi pào | |
肺气肿 fèi qì zhǒng | emphysema | 肺氣腫 | |
非典型肺炎 fēi diǎn xíng fèi yán | atypical pneumonia | 非典型肺炎 fēi diǎn xíng fèi yán | |
肺活量 fèi huó liàng | (medicine) vital capacity | 肺活量 fèi huó liàng | |
肺心病 fèi xīn bìng | pulmonary heart disease (medicine) | 肺心病 fèi xīn bìng | |
尘肺 chén fèi | pneumoconiosis | 塵肺 | |
肺腑之言 fèi fǔ zhī yán | words from the bottom of one's heart | 肺腑之言 fèi fǔ zhī yán | |
矽肺 xī fèi | grinder's disease | 矽肺 xī fèi | |
狼心狗肺 láng xīn gǒu fèi | cruel and unscrupulous | 狼心狗肺 láng xīn gǒu fèi | |
肺痨 fèi láo | tuberculosis | 肺癆 |