抹 mā
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抹 mā Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 10 English Translations of the word 抹 mā .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- mā | ma1
- English translation
- to wipe
- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- mǒ | mo3
- English translation
- to smear
- to wipe
- to erase
- classifier for wisps of cloud, light-beams etc
- to plaster
- to go around
- to skirt
- to apply; to erase, to smear, to wipe off
Learn the Chinese word 抹 mā in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 抹 mā .
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Spread the word
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Example sentences using 抹 mā
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 抹 mā in different contexts.
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附近 fùjìn 一 yī 抹 mā 微云形 xíng 如 rú 一 yī 串 chuàn 鼓鼓囊囊 gǔ gu nāng nāng 的 de 小 xiǎo 香肠 xiāngcháng .
There was a string of tiny clouds shaped like miniature plump sausages.
护士 hùshi 轻轻地抹 mā 去 qù 伤口 shāng kǒu 上 shǎng 的 de 血 xuè .
The nurse gently mopped the blood from the wound.
你 nǐ 该 gāi 努力 nǔlì 抹 mā 除 chú 那次事故 shìgù 的 de 记忆 jìyì .
You should try to sponge out the memory of the accident.
Words with 抹 mā
Explore 20 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 抹 mā in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
抹 mā | to smear | 抹 mā | |
涂抹 túmǒ | to paint | 塗抹 | |
抹杀 mǒshā | to erase | 抹殺 | |
抹黑 mǒ hēi | to discredit | 抹黑 mǒ hēi | |
抹布 mā bù | cleaning rag | 抹布 mā bù | |
拐弯抹角 guǎi wān mò jiǎo | to equivocate | 拐彎抹角 | |
浓妆艳抹 nóng zhuāng yàn mǒ | to apply makeup conspicuously (idiom) | 濃妝艷抹 | |
抹胸 mò xiōng | old feminine garment, covering chest and abdomen | 抹胸 mò xiōng | |
抹煞 mǒ shā | to erase | 抹煞 mǒ shā | |
涂脂抹粉 tú zhī mǒ fěn | to put on makeup | 塗脂抹粉 | |
抹香鲸 mǒ xiāng jīng | cachalot | 抹香鯨 | |
抹灰 mǒ huī | to plaster | 抹灰 mǒ huī | |
抹脖子 mǒ bó zi | to commit suicide | 抹脖子 mǒ bó zi | |
转弯抹角 zhuǎn wān mò jiǎo | to equivocate | 轉彎抹角 | |
淡妆浓抹 dàn zhuāng nóng mǒ | in light or heavy makeup (idiom) | 淡妝濃抹 | |
哭天抹泪 kū tiān mǒ lèi | to wail and whine | 哭天抹淚 | |
抹消 mǒ xiāo | to erase | 抹消 mǒ xiāo | |
一笔抹杀 yī bǐ mǒ shā | to blot out at one stroke | 一筆抹殺 | |
抹刀 mǒ dāo | scraper | 抹刀 mǒ dāo | |
抹稀泥 mǒ xī ní | to try to smooth things over | 抹稀泥 mǒ xī ní |