Traditional form
發育Write it!
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Chinese word 发育 fāyù .
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Example sentences using 发育 fāyù
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 发育 fāyù in different contexts.
《植物 zhíwù 发育 fāyù 的 de 分子 fèn zǐ 机理 jī lǐ 》许智宏 、 刘春明,科学 kēxué 出版社 chū bǎn shè , 1998.
Molecular Genetics of Plant Development . Stephen Howell , Cambridge University Press,
生长 shēngzhǎng 素 sù 主要 zhǔyào 是从旺盛 wàng shèng 生长新梢 shāo 上 shǎng 正在 zhèngzài 发育 fāyù 的 de 幼 yòu 叶 xié 产生 chǎnshēng 出来 chū lái .
Auxins are produced mainly by young developing leaves on actively growing shoots.
松 Sōng 树枝 shù zhī 梢 shāo 发育 fāyù 的 de 细节 xìjié 近来 jìnlái 变 biàn 得 dé 对 duì 林学家们 men 更为 gèng wéi 重要 zhòngyào 了 le .
The details of pine shoot development have recently become of more importance to foresters.