Traditional form
採訪Part of speech
Verb / 动词 dòng cí DòngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 采访 cǎifǎng .
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Example sentences using 采访 cǎifǎng
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 采访 cǎifǎng in different contexts.
他 tā 采访 cǎifǎng 了 le 县 xiàn 规划 guīhuà 和 hé 区域 qūyù 划分 huàfēn 委员会 wěi yuán huì 的 de 早餐 zǎo cān 会议 huìyì .
He had covered a breakfast meeting of the Country planning and zoning Board.
采访者很快学会 xué huì 读 dòu 懂 dǒng 非 Fēi 言语 yán yǔ 信号 xìnhào .
Interviewers quickly learn to pick up non - verbal signals.
她 tā 表达 biǎodá 了 le 对 duì 被 bèi 一位社工 shè gōng 采访 cǎifǎng 的 de 愤恨 fèn hèn 。
She expressed resentment at being interviewed by a social worker.