Traditional form
違反Part of speech
Verb / 动词 dòng cí DòngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 违反 wéifǎn .
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Example sentences using 违反 wéifǎn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 违反 wéifǎn in different contexts.
官方 guānfāng 还 Huán 借 jiè 违反 wéifǎn 条例 tiáo lì 和 hé 其他 qítā 规定 guīdìng 等 děng 问题 wèntí ,向 Xiàng 反对派 fǎn duì pài 的 de 报纸 bàozhǐ 和 hé 电台 diàntái 找 zhǎo 岔 chà .
Fire code and other violations were found against opposition newspaper and radios.
谁 shuí 也 Yě 不 bù 能 Néng 违反 wéifǎn 这些 zhè xiē 规则 guīzé 而 ér 不 bù 被 bèi 处分 chǔfèn .
No one can flout the rules and get away with it.
一份国会 Guó huì 报告 bàogào 指责 zhǐzé 联邦 lián bāng 安全法被 bèi 公然 gōngrán 违反 wéifǎn 。
A congressional report charges that federal safety laws were recklessly violated.