Traditional form
運氣Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 运气 yùnqi .
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Example sentences using 运气 yùnqi
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 运气 yùnqi in different contexts.
真是 zhēn shi 运气 yùnqi , 我 wǒ 在 zài 矮 ǎi 树 shù 旁 páng 捡 jiǎn 到 dào 了 le 这 zhè 一 yī 小 xiǎo 团 tuán 纸头.
As luck would have it , I spied this bit of paper in the hedge.
“ 喂 wéi , 汤姆 Tāng mǔ , 咱们 zámen 还 Huán 是 shì 别 Bié 在 zài 这儿 zhè r 挖 wā 了 le , 再 zài 到 dào 别处 bié chù 碰碰运气 yùnqi . ”
'say, Tom, let's give this place up, and try somewheres else. "
运气 yùnqi Compounds
See all 46 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 运气 yùnqi in their composition.