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贸易 màoyì

贸易 màoyì Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 3 English Translations of the word 贸易 màoyì .

Pīnyīn Pronunciation
màoyì | mao4 yi4
English translation
(commercial) trade

Learn the Chinese word 贸易 màoyì in 7 easy steps:

About 贸易 màoyì

Read some general information about the Chinese word 贸易 màoyì .

Traditional form

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Etymology of 贸易 màoyì

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word 贸易 màoyì .





Phonosemantic compound. Bèi represents the meaning and mǎo represents the sound. Simplified form of 貿 mào .

Phonetic compound


Semantic compound


Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes



Upside-down version of (increase; benefit), which depicts food or drink filling up a container ( mǐn ). Originally was the same character as , but the meaning later shifted to "easy".

Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes


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Chinese word 贸易 màoyì .
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Example sentences using 贸易 màoyì

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 贸易 màoyì in different contexts.

Dōng yíng 商贸 shāng mào 有限 yǒu xiàn 公司 gōngsī shì jiā 专业 zhuānyè 从事 cóngshì 高新技术 产品 chǎnpǐn 贸易 màoyì de 公司 gōngsī .

East surplus Trading Company is a professional high - tech products trade companies.

Xīn de 关税 guān shuì zhì duì 开展 kāizhǎn 贸易 màoyì 极为 jí wéi 不利 bù lì .

The new tariffs have put a stranglehold on trade.

世界贸易中心 Shì jiè Mào yì Zhōng xīn (大厦 dàshà ) yǒu duō Gāo ? altitude zhǐ 高于 gāo yú 地面 dì miàn huò 海面 hǎi miàn de 高度 gāo dù Yóu zhǐ 超过 chāoguò 海面的高度”,复数 fù shù zhǐ 高地 gāo dì Gāo chǔ ”,

What's the height of the World Trade Center?

如果 rúguǒ 进出口 jìn chū kǒu 需求 xūqiú 具有 jù yǒu 灵活性 líng huó xìng 那么 nà me 贸易额 mào yì é de 变化 biànhuà 可能 kěnéng huì 抵消 dǐ xiāo 盈余 yíng yú

If export and import demand is elastic, then the change in trade volumes will operate to remove the surplus.

11 yuè 美国 Měi guó de 贸易赤字扩大 kuòdà dào 75.9亿美元

The US trade deficit widened to $59 billion in November.

贸易 màoyì Decomposition

See the 8 Chinese characters that make up 贸易 màoyì and their own compounds.

贸易 màoyì Compounds

See all 24 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 贸易 màoyì in their composition.

  • mào
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