Traditional form
規律Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíWrite it!
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Example sentences using 规律 guīlǜ
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 规律 guīlǜ in different contexts.
他 tā 听到 tīng dào 时钟 shí zhōng 有 yǒu 规律 guīlǜ 的 de 滴 dī 嗒 dā 声 shēng .
He heard the regular noise of the clock.
东森与 yú 大陆 Dà lù 之间 zhī jiān 的 de 新闻 xīnwén 交流 jiāoliú 密切 mìqiè 、 多样 duō yàng 且 qiě 规律 guīlǜ .
News exchanges between EBC and the mainland are close, diverse and regular.
水面 shuǐ miàn 静 jìng 静 jìng 的 de ,只 zhǐ 有 yǒu 那 Nā 有 yǒu 规律 guīlǜ 的 de 荡 dàng 桨声打破 dǎ pò 了 le 静 jìng 夜 yè 的 de 沉寂 chén jì .
Except for the rhythmic splash of the rudder oar, all was still.