Traditional form
Pictograph of two mouths facing each other.Positional decomposition
⿱亼口Number of Strokes
6Write it!
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Chinese word 综合 zōnghé .
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Example sentences using 综合 zōnghé
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 综合 zōnghé in different contexts.
这 zhè 本 běn 综合 zōnghé 说明书 shuō míng shū 是 shì 集 jí 若干 ruògān 图片 tú piàn 汇合 huì hé 而 ér 成 Chéng 的 de .
This composite illustration was made by putting together a number of drawings.
看来 kàn lai ,你 nǐ 的 de 建议 jiànyì 有 yǒu 道理 dàoli , 这 zhè 批 pī 货物 huò wù 我们 wǒmen 保 Bǎo 了 le "综合 zōnghé 险 xiǎn ".
It'seems your suggestion is reasonable. We have covered All Risks for these goods.
他 tā 嗓子 sǎngzi 里 lǐ 的 de 红 Hóng 斑 bān 是 shì 一 yī 种 zhǒng 综合征 zōng hé zhēng 的 de 部分 bùfen 症状 zhèngzhuàng .
The spots on his throat are part of a syndrome.
综合 zōnghé Compounds
See all 82 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 综合 zōnghé in their composition.
- 综 zèng
- 合 gě
- 拿 ná
- 镎 ná , 嗱, 鎿
- 答 dā
- 撘, 劄 zhā , 譗
- 弇 yǎn
- 啽 án , 媕 ān , 揜 yǎn , 渰 yǎn , 鞥 ēng , 葊, 黭
- 翕 xī
- 噏 xī , 嶖 yān , 歙 shè , 潝 xī , 闟 xī , 嬆, 熻, 蹹
- 荅 dā
- 畣
- 墖
- 给 gěi , 哈 Hā , 盒 hé , 拾 shè , 恰 qià , 鸽 gē , 蛤 há , 洽 qià , 颌 hé , 給 gěi , 铪 hā , 龛 kān , 龕 kān , 乨 shǐ , 峇 bā , 搿 gé , 欱 hē , 祫 xiá , 翖 xī , 袷 jiá , 跲 jiá , 郃 hé , 閤 gé , 饸 hé , 佮, 冾, 匌, 匼, 垥, 姶, 峆, 帢, 搻, 敆, 樖, 烚, 珨, 硆, 秴, 粭, 耠 huō , 詥, 鉿, 鞈, 韐, 頜 hé , 餄 hé , 鮯, 鴿 gē