Learn the Chinese word 绕 rào in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 绕 rào .
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Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 绕 rào
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 绕 rào in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
我们 wǒmen 是 shì 绕 rào 着 zhāo 公园 gōngyuán 跑 páo ,还是 háishi 骑车 qí chē 兜兜 dōu dou 风 fēng ?
Shall we run around the park or a bike ride?
我 wǒ 给 gěi 你 nǐ 炒 chǎo 下 xià 的 de 菜 cài ,你 nǐ 不 bù 回来 huí lai 吃 chī ,绕 rào 世界 shìjiè 胡 Hú 塞 Sāi 去 qù 舒服 shūfu ?
You don't eat the food I cook for you but gad about all over town, eh?
某些 mǒu xiē 病毒 bìngdú 的 de 核 hé 衣壳是 shì 由 yóu 被 bèi 膜 mó 所 suǒ 包 Bāo 绕 rào .
In some viruses the nucleocapsid is surrounded by an envelope.
Words with 绕 rào
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 绕 rào in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
绕 rào | to wind | 繞 rào | |
围绕 wéirào | to revolve around | 圍繞 | |
环绕 huán rào | to surround | 環繞 | |
绕道 rào dào | detour | 繞道 | |
缠绕 chánrào | twisting | 纏繞 | |
萦绕 yíng rào | to linger on | 縈繞 | |
绕行 rào xíng | detour | 繞行 | |
绕过 rào guò | to detour | 繞過 | |
绕圈子 rào quān zi | to make a detour | 繞圈子 | |
缭绕 liáo rào | to curl up | 繚繞 | |
绕口令 rào kǒu lìng | tongue-twister | 繞口令 | |
绕弯子 rào wān zi | lit. to go on a long detour | 繞彎子 | |
绕组 rào zǔ | coil (in electric motor or transformer) | 繞組 | |
绕路 rào lù | to make a detour | 繞路 | |
盘绕 pán rào | to twine | 盤繞 | |
魂牵梦绕 hún qiān mèng rào | to be captivated | 魂牽夢繞 | |
旋绕 xuán rào | to curl up | 旋繞 | |
余音绕梁 yú yīn rào liáng | reverberates around the rafters (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice) | 餘音繞梁 | |
卷绕 juǎn rào | to wind | 卷繞 | |
回绕 huí rào | winding | 回繞 | |
绕弯 rào wān | to go for a walk around | 繞彎 | |
绕梁三日 rào liáng sān rì | reverberates around the rafters for three days (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice) | 繞梁三日 | |
绕嘴 rào zuǐ | a tongue-twister | 繞嘴 | |
绕脖子 rào bó zi | tricky | 繞脖子 |