甲 jiǎ
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甲 jiǎ Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 20 English Translations of the word 甲 jiǎ .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- jiǎ | jia3
- English translation
- first of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干 shí tiān gān [shí tiān gān]
- (used for an unspecified person or thing)
- first (in a list, as a party to a contract etc)
- letter "A" or roman "I" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc
- armor plating
- shell or carapace
- (of the fingers or toes) nail
- bladed leather or metal armor (old)
- ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old)
- civil administration unit (old)
- armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem
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Chinese word 甲 jiǎ .
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Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 甲 jiǎ
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 甲 jiǎ in different contexts.
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六亚甲基 jiǎ jī 二异氰酸酯 zhǐ ( HMDI ) 可 kě 用 yòng 在 zài 预 yù 聚物中 Zhōng 代替 dàitì 甲苯 jiǎ běn 二异氰酸酯〔TDI〕.
Hexamethylene diisocyanate ( HMDI ) may be used in prepolymer, in place of TDI.
适用 shì yòng 于 Yú 本法的 de 酸酐有 yǒu 苯 běn 二甲酸, 马来酸及 jí 琥珀酸的酸酐.
Suitable anhydrides for use in this process include phthalic , maleic, and succinic.
Words with 甲 jiǎ
Explore 23 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 甲 jiǎ in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
甲 jiǎ | armor plating | 甲 jiǎ | |
指甲 zhǐjia | fingernail | 指甲 zhǐjia | |
甲板 jiǎ bǎn | deck (of a boat etc) | 甲板 jiǎ bǎn | |
装甲 zhuāng jiǎ | vehicle armor | 裝甲 | |
甲状腺 jiǎ zhuàng xiàn | thyroid gland | 甲狀腺 | |
甲壳 jiǎ qiào | carapace | 甲殼 | |
盔甲 kuī jiǎ | armor | 盔甲 kuī jiǎ | |
甲醛 jiǎ quán | formaldehyde (HCHO) | 甲醛 jiǎ quán | |
指甲油 zhǐ jia yóu | nail polish | 指甲油 zhǐ jia yóu | |
马甲 mǎ jiǎ | corset | 馬甲 | |
装甲车 zhuāng jiǎ chē | armored car | 裝甲車 | |
甲级 jiǎ jí | first rate | 甲級 | |
甲基 jiǎ jī | methyl group (chemistry) | 甲基 jiǎ jī | |
甲烷 jiǎ wán | methane CH4 | 甲烷 jiǎ wán | |
甲子 jiǎ zǐ | the sixty-year cycle | 甲子 jiǎ zǐ | |
甲虫 jiǎ chóng | beetle | 甲蟲 | |
甲醇 jiǎ chún | methyl alcohol | 甲醇 jiǎ chún | |
铠甲 kǎi jiǎ | armor | 鎧甲 | |
甲骨文 jiǎ gǔ wén | oracle script | 甲骨文 jiǎ gǔ wén | |
铁甲 tiě jiǎ | armor | 鐵甲 | |
趾甲 zhǐ jiǎ | toenail | 趾甲 zhǐ jiǎ | |
甲苯 jiǎ běn | toluene C6H5CH3 | 甲苯 jiǎ běn | |
甲鱼 jiǎ yú | turtle | 甲魚 |
甲 jiǎ Decomposition & Compounds
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甲 jiǎ Compounds
See all 54 Chinese words that contain the character 甲 jiǎ in their composition.
- 甲 jiǎ
- 匣 xiá
- 筪
- 單 dān
- 闡 chǎn
- 灛
- 墠, 彈 dàn , 僤, 樿, 燀, 襌 dān , 軃 duǒ , 驒 tuó , 匰, 嘽 chǎn , 嚲, 囅, 奲, 嬋 chán , 幝, 憚 dàn , 戰 zhàn , 撣 dǎn , 暺, 殫 dān , 潬, 癉 dān , 磾, 禪 chán , 簞 dān , 繟, 蕇, 蟬 chán , 觶, 譂, 貚, 鱓
- 押 yā , 鸭 yā , 闸 zhá , 钾 jiǎ , 胛 jiǎ , 岬 jiǎ , 呷 gā , 狎 xiá , 鴨 yā , 厣 yǎn , 柙 xiá , 舺 xiá , 庘, 炠, 玾, 笚, 翈, 鉀 jiǎ , 閘 zhá , 魻