Traditional form
獅子Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíType
Pictograph of a small child with its two arms outstretched.Positional decomposition
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Example sentences using 狮子 Shīzǐ
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 狮子 Shīzǐ in different contexts.
当 dāng 他 tā 像 xiàng 狮子 Shīzǐ 般 bān 地 de 咆哮 páo xiào 时 shí ,谁 shuí 敢 gǎn 和 hé 他 tā 顶嘴 dǐng zuǐ ?
Who dares to answer back when he roars like a lion?
这 zhè 对 duì 五年前 qián 发现 fāxiàn 的 de 狮子 Shīzǐ 是 shì 金属制的 de .
The pair of lions which were found five years ago were metallic.
这 zhè 只 zhǐ 狮子 Shīzǐ 是 shì 个 gè 丑 Chǒu 怪 guài 的 de 斯芬克斯 sī fēn kè sī ,跟 gēn 他们 tā men 一样 yīyàng 迷失 mí shī 在 zài 这 zhè 黑暗 hēi àn 的 de 深渊 shēn yuān 里 lǐ .
The lion was a monster sphinx which was astray like them in that gulf of darkness.
狮子 Shīzǐ Compounds
See all 81 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 狮子 Shīzǐ in their composition.
- 狮 shī
- 子 zǐ
- 好 hǎo
- 孬 nāo , 恏 hào
- 享 xiǎng
- 敦 dūn
- 郭 guō
- 廓 kuò , 墎
- 孰 shú
- 醇 chún , 淳 chún , 鹑 chún , 谆 zhūn , 椁 guǒ , 惇 dūn , 亸 duǒ , 啍 tūn , 崞 guō , 焞 tūn , 犉 rún , 錞, 鯙 chún , 嚲, 埻, 弴, 朜, 稕, 綧, 蜳, 諄 zhūn , 鞟, 韕, 鶉 chún
- 斿 yóu
- 孨 zhuǎn
- 仔 zǎi , 李 Lǐ , 籽 zǐ , 囝 jiǎn , 屘 mǎn , 惸 qióng , 耔 zǐ , 吇, 斈 xué , 杍, 汓, 矷 zǐ , 秄, 箰, 芓, 虸, 覎, 觃 yàn , 賯, 逰, 釨