炒 chǎo
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炒 chǎo Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 9 English Translations of the word 炒 chǎo .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- chǎo | chao3
- English translation
- to sauté
- to stir-fry
- to speculate
- to hype
- to fire (sb)
- to boil, to fry, to roast, to sauté; to trade stock
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Chinese word 炒 chǎo .
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Example sentences using 炒 chǎo
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 炒 chǎo in different contexts.
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Words with 炒 chǎo
Explore 20 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 炒 chǎo in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
炒 chǎo | to sauté | 炒 chǎo | |
炒作 chǎo zuò | to hype | 炒作 chǎo zuò | |
炒鱿鱼 chǎo yóu yú | to sack sb | 炒魷魚 | |
炒股 chǎo gǔ | (coll.) to speculate in stocks | 炒股 chǎo gǔ | |
炒饭 chǎo fàn | fried rice | 炒飯 | |
炒菜 chǎo cài | to stir-fry | 炒菜 chǎo cài | |
炒面 chǎo miàn | "chow mein" | 炒麵 | |
炒锅 chǎo guō | wok | 炒鍋 | |
爆炒 bào chǎo | to conduct a media blitz | 爆炒 bào chǎo | |
炒蛋 chǎo dàn | scrambled eggs | 炒蛋 chǎo dàn | |
炒股票 chǎo gǔ piào | to speculate in stocks | 炒股票 chǎo gǔ piào | |
清炒 qīng chǎo | to stir-fry | 清炒 qīng chǎo | |
炒米 chǎo mǐ | fried rice | 炒米 chǎo mǐ | |
炒货 chǎo huò | roasted snacks (peanuts, chestnuts etc) | 炒貨 | |
炒冷饭 chǎo lěng fàn | to stir-fry leftover rice | 炒冷飯 | |
煎炒 jiān chǎo | to lightly fry | 煎炒 jiān chǎo | |
炒勺 chǎo sháo | ladle | 炒勺 chǎo sháo | |
炒地皮 chǎo dì pí | to speculate in building land | 炒地皮 chǎo dì pí | |
现炒现卖 xiàn chǎo xiàn mài | lit. to fry and sell on the spot | 現炒現賣 | |
热炒热卖 rè chǎo rè mài | enthusiasm of the new convert | 熱炒熱賣 |