浅 jiān
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浅 jiān Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 4 English Translations of the word 浅 jiān .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- jiān | jian1
- English translation
- sound of moving water
- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- qiǎn | qian3
- English translation
- shallow
- light (color)
- shallow, superficial
Learn the Chinese word 浅 jiān in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 浅 jiān .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 浅 jiān
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 浅 jiān in different contexts.
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我 wǒ 对 duì 这些 zhè xiē 梦 mèng 所 suǒ 显示 xiǎnshì 出来 chū lái 的 de 肤浅 fū qiǎn 的 de 爱好 àihào 大为 dà wéi 失望 shīwàng .
I was badly disappointed by the shallow interests such dreams betrayed.
牧童 mù tóng 牵 qiān 着 zhāo 牛 Niú 淌 tǎng 过 Guò 浅 jiān 溪 xī .
The cowboy splashed his way across the shallow stream with his cow.
Words with 浅 jiān
Explore 21 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 浅 jiān in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
浅 jiān | shallow | 淺 qiǎn | |
肤浅 fū qiǎn | skin-deep | 膚淺 | |
搁浅 gē qiǎn | to run aground | 擱淺 | |
浅薄 qiǎn bó | superficial | 淺薄 | |
浅色 qiǎn sè | light color | 淺色 | |
受益匪浅 shòu yì fěi qiǎn | to benefit (from) | 受益匪淺 | |
深浅 shēn qiǎn | deep or shallow | 深淺 | |
浅水 qiǎn shuǐ | shallow water | 淺水 | |
目光短浅 mù guāng duǎn qiǎn | to be shortsighted | 目光短淺 | |
浅显 qiǎn xiǎn | plain | 淺顯 | |
浅滩 qiǎn tān | shallows | 淺灘 | |
浅海 qiǎn hǎi | shallow sea | 淺海 | |
粗浅 cū qiǎn | shallow | 粗淺 | |
深入浅出 shēn rù qiǎn chū | (of language) simple and easy to understand | 深入淺出 | |
害人不浅 hài rén bù qiǎn | to cause a lot of trouble | 害人不淺 | |
短浅 duǎn qiǎn | narrow and shallow | 短淺 | |
浅析 qiǎn xī | primary, elementary or coarse analysis | 淺析 | |
浅尝辄止 qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ | to attempt half-heartedly | 淺嚐輒止 | |
浅见 qiǎn jiàn | shallow opinion | 淺見 | |
浅淡 qiǎn dàn | pale | 淺淡 | |
浅陋 qiǎn lòu | shallow and crude | 淺陋 |