枪 Qiāng
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枪 Qiāng Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 20 English Translations of the word 枪 Qiāng .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- Qiāng | Qiang1
- English translation
- surname Qiang
- gun
- firearm
- rifle
- spear
- thing with shape or function similar to a gun
- CL:支 Zhī [zhī],把 bǎ [bǎ],桿 gān
- >杆 gān [gǎn],條 tiáo
- >条 tiáo [tiáo],枝 zhī [zhī]
- to substitute for another person in a test
- to knock
- classifier for rifle shots
- variant of 槍 qiāng
- >枪 Qiāng [qiāng]
- gun, rife; lance, spear
Learn the Chinese word 枪 Qiāng in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 枪 Qiāng .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 枪 Qiāng
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 枪 Qiāng in different contexts.
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医生 yīshēng 治 zhì 好 hǎo 了 le 那 Nā 位 wèi 士兵 shìbīng 腿 tuǐ 部 bù 的 de 枪 Qiāng 伤 shāng .
The surgeon healed the soldier's bullet wound in the leg.
他 tā 一 yī 刀 Dāo 砍 kǎn 来 lái ,我 wǒ 拿 ná 枪 Qiāng 架 jià 住 zhù .
I fended off his sword thrust with my spear.
Words with 枪 Qiāng
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 枪 Qiāng in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
枪 Qiāng | gun | 槍 qiāng | |
开枪 kāi qiāng | to open fire | 開槍 | |
手枪 shǒu qiāng | pistol | 手槍 | |
枪击 qiāng jī | to shoot with a gun | 槍擊 | |
枪支 qiāng zhī | a gun | 槍支 | |
枪手 qiāng shǒu | gunman | 槍手 | |
步枪 bù qiāng | rifle | 步槍 | |
机枪 jī qiāng | machine gun | 機槍 | |
枪杀 qiāng shā | to shoot dead | 槍殺 | |
枪声 qiāng shēng | crack | 槍聲 | |
中枪 zhòng qiāng | shot | 中槍 | |
枪口 qiāng kǒu | muzzle of a gun | 槍口 | |
枪毙 qiāng bì | to shoot dead | 槍斃 | |
枪战 qiāng zhàn | gun battle | 槍戰 | |
长枪 cháng qiāng | pike | 長槍 | |
金枪鱼 jīn qiāng yú | tuna | 金槍魚 | |
冲锋枪 chōng fēng qiāng | submachine gun | 衝鋒槍 | |
猎枪 liè qiāng | hunting gun | 獵槍 | |
枪械 qiāng xiè | firearm | 槍械 | |
枪法 qiāng fǎ | marksmanship | 槍法 | |
水枪 shuǐ qiāng | water gun | 水槍 | |
火枪 huǒ qiāng | firearms (in historical context) | 火槍 | |
机关枪 jī guān qiāng | machine gun | 機關槍 | |
枪决 qiāng jué | same as 槍斃|枪毙 qiāng bì | 槍決 |