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Chinese word 有利 yǒulì .
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Example sentences using 有利 yǒulì
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 有利 yǒulì in different contexts.
尽管 jǐnguǎn 迹象 jìxiàng 有利 yǒulì , 但 dàn 最新 zuì xīn 的 de 缩 suō 氨酸混 hún 合物仍然 réngrán 存在 cúnzài 一些 yī xiē 困难 kùnnan .
Despite favourable signals, the latest peptide mix presented difficulties.
直射光 guāng 比 Bǐ 漫射光 guāng 更 gēng 有利于阅读 yuèdú .
Direct light is better for reading than diffuse light.
这一改变 gǎibiàn 对 duì 你 nǐ 方 Fāng 显然 xiǎnrán 有 yǒu 利 Lì .
Your side has obviously gained by the change.
有利 yǒulì Compounds
See all 58 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 有利 yǒulì in their composition.