晕 yūn
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晕 yūn Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 12 English Translations of the word 晕 yūn .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- yūn | yun1
- English translation
- confused
- dizzy
- giddy
- to faint
- to swoon
- to lose consciousness
- to pass out
- halo
- ring around moon or sun
- dizzy, faint, foggy; to see stars
Learn the Chinese word 晕 yūn in 8 easy steps:
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Chinese word 晕 yūn .
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Example sentences using 晕 yūn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 晕 yūn in different contexts.
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Words with 晕 yūn
Explore 22 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 晕 yūn in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
晕 yūn | dizzy | 暈 yūn | |
头晕 tóu yūn | dizzy | 頭暈 | |
晕倒 yūn dǎo | to faint | 暈倒 | |
眩晕 xuàn yùn | vertigo | 眩暈 | |
晕头转向 yūn tóu zhuàn xiàng | confused and disoriented | 暈頭轉向 | |
晕车 yùn chē | to be carsick | 暈車 | |
晕船 yùn chuán | to become seasick | 暈船 | |
晕厥 yūn jué | to faint | 暈厥 | |
红晕 hóng yùn | to blush | 紅暈 | |
头晕目眩 tóu yūn mù xuàn | dazzled | 頭暈目眩 | |
发晕 fā yūn | to feel dizzy | 發暈 | |
头晕眼花 tóu yūn yǎn huā | to faint with blurred vision (idiom); dizzy and eyes dimmed | 頭暈眼花 | |
晕乎 yūn hu | dizzy | 暈乎 | |
晕眩 yūn xuàn | to feel dizzy | 暈眩 | |
光晕 guāng yùn | halo | 光暈 | |
晕机 yùn jī | to become airsick | 暈機 | |
乳晕 rǔ yùn | mammary areola | 乳暈 | |
眼晕 yǎn yùn | to feel dizzy | 眼暈 | |
晕针 yùn zhēn | to faint during acupuncture or injection | 暈針 | |
月晕 yuè yùn | lunar halo | 月暈 | |
血晕 xiě yùn | coma caused by loss of blood | 血暈 | |
晕糊 yūn hu | dizzy | 暈糊 |