Traditional form
推薦Part of speech
Verb / 动词 dòng cí DòngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 推荐 tuījiàn .
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Example sentences using 推荐 tuījiàn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 推荐 tuījiàn in different contexts.
我 wǒ 能 Néng 向 Xiàng 您 nín 推荐 tuījiàn 厨师 chú shī 特选扒 bā 大虾 dà xiā ?
May I suggest you try the king prawn, the chef recommends it.
无论 wúlùn 我 wǒ 怎样 zěn yàng 竭力 jié lì 推荐 tuījiàn 这 zhè 本 běn 书 Shū ,也 Yě 不 bù 嫌 xián 过分 guòfèn .
I cannot recommend the book too strongly.
他们 tā men 推荐 tuījiàn 这种 zhè zhǒng 方法 fāngfǎ 做 zuò 为 wéi 测定 cè dìng 银 yín 分散度的 de 方法 fāngfǎ .
They recommend this method as a measurement for determination of Ag dispersions.