Traditional form
挑戰Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 挑战 tiǎozhàn .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice writing it yourself.
Example sentences using 挑战 tiǎozhàn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 挑战 tiǎozhàn in different contexts.
这 zhè 场 cháng 比赛 bǐsài 可能 kěnéng 是 shì 挑战者 tiǎo zhàn zhě 获胜 huò shèng , 他 tā 只要 zhǐyào 再 zài 得 dé 两分就 jiù 得 dé 冠军 guànjūn 了 le .
This could be the winning game for the challenger, who only needs two more points for the championship.
下巴 xià ba 挨 āi 了 le 一 yī 重 chóng 拳 quán 以后 yǐ hòu ,挑战者 tiǎo zhàn zhě 立即 lìjí 被 bèi 打 dá 得 dé 不省人事 bù xǐng rén shì 了 le .
One heavy blow to the chin and the challenger went out like a light.
他 tā 说 shuì 他 tā 明年 míng nián 还 Huán 愿意 yuànyì 接受 jiēshòu 类似 lèisì 的 de 挑战 tiǎozhàn 。
He said he's game for a similar challenge next year.