抄 chāo
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抄 chāo Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 13 English Translations of the word 抄 chāo .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- chāo | chao1
- English translation
- to make a copy
- to plagiarize
- to search and seize
- to raid
- to grab
- to go off with
- to take a shortcut
- to make a turning move
- to fold one's arms
- copy, plagiarism; to confiscate, to seize
Learn the Chinese word 抄 chāo in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
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Chinese word 抄 chāo .
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Spread the word
“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 抄 chāo
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 抄 chāo in different contexts.
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你 nǐ 的 de 文章 wénzhāng 中 Zhōng 有 yǒu 几 jī 部分 bùfen 是 shì 从 Cóng 一 yī 本 běn 有名 yǒumíng 的 de 杂志 zázhì 中 Zhōng 整个 zhěnggè 抄袭 chāo xí 来 lái 的 de .
Parts of your article have been lifted bodily from a well - known magazine.
请 qǐng 把 bǎ 黑板 hēibǎn 上 shǎng 的 de 字 zì 都 dōu 抄 chāo 下 xià 来 lái .
Please copy down all the words on the blackboard.
Words with 抄 chāo
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 抄 chāo in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
抄 chāo | to raid | 抄 chāo | |
抄袭 chāo xí | to copy | 抄襲 | |
包抄 bāo chāo | to outflank | 包抄 bāo chāo | |
抄写 chāo xiě | to copy | 抄寫 | |
抄本 chāo běn | handwritten copy | 抄本 chāo běn | |
抄录 chāo lù | to make a copy of | 抄錄 | |
照抄 zhào chāo | to copy word for word | 照抄 zhào chāo | |
抄送 chāo sòng | Cc (for email) | 抄送 chāo sòng | |
查抄 chá chāo | to raid | 查抄 chá chāo | |
抄家 chāo jiā | to search a house and confiscate possessions | 抄家 chāo jiā | |
摘抄 zhāi chāo | to extract | 摘抄 zhāi chāo | |
小抄 xiǎo chāo | cheat sheet | 小抄 xiǎo chāo | |
抄手 chāo shǒu | copyist | 抄手 chāo shǒu | |
抄件 chāo jiàn | duplicate (copy) | 抄件 chāo jiàn | |
抄近路 chāo jìn lù | to take a shortcut | 抄近路 chāo jìn lù | |
手抄本 shǒu chāo běn | manuscript copy of a book (before the printing press) | 手抄本 shǒu chāo běn | |
传抄 chuán chāo | to copy (a text) from person to person | 傳抄 | |
满门抄斩 mǎn mén chāo zhǎn | to execute the whole family unto the third generation | 滿門抄斬 | |
抄小路 chāo xiǎo lù | to take the back roads | 抄小路 chāo xiǎo lù | |
文抄公 wén chāo gōng | plagiarist | 文抄公 wén chāo gōng | |
抄查 chāo chá | to search and confiscate | 抄查 chāo chá | |
抄后路 chāo hòu lù | to outflank and attack from the rear | 抄後路 | |
抄身 chāo shēn | to frisk | 抄身 chāo shēn | |
抄获 chāo huò | to search and seize | 抄獲 | |
抄道 chāo dào | to take a shortcut | 抄道 chāo dào |
抄 chāo Decomposition & Compounds
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