Traditional form
總裁Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíWrite it!
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Example sentences using 总裁 zǒngcái
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 4 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 总裁 zǒngcái in different contexts.
坎贝尔 Kǎn bèi ěr 公司 gōngsī 的 de 总裁 zǒngcái 退休 tuìxiū 后 Hòu ,麦戈文被 bèi 选定 xuǎn dìng 为 wéi 继任者 jì rèn zhě 。
When the chairman of Campbell's retired, McGovern was named as his successor.
总裁 zǒngcái 捶胸顿足 chuí xiōng dùn zú ,称 chèn 那 Nā 是 shì 个 gè 错误 cuòwù 的 de 交易 jiāoyì 。
The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.