Traditional form
徵求Part of speech
Verb / 动词 dòng cí Dòngcí 求 qiú
Pictograph of a crawling insect. The current meaning "seek" or "beg" is a phonetic loan.Positional decomposition
⿻一氺Number of Strokes
7Write it!
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Chinese word 征求 zhēngqiú .
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Example sentences using 征求 zhēngqiú
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 3 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 征求 zhēngqiú in different contexts.
在 zài 签订 qiān dìng 任何 rènhé 协定 xié dìng 之前 zhī qián 一定 yīdìng 要 yāo 先 xiān 征求 zhēngqiú 法律 fǎlǜ 专业人士 zhuān yè rén shì 的 de 意见 yìjiàn 。
Always seek professional legal advice before entering into any agreement.
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