Traditional form
當地Part of speech
Place word / 处所词 Chùsuǒ cíWrite it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 当地 dāngdì .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice writing it yourself.
Example sentences using 当地 dāngdì
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 当地 dāngdì in different contexts.
当地 dāngdì 超级市场 chāo jí shì chǎng 本 běn 周 Zhōu 烘 hōng 豆 dòu 罐头 guàn tou 大 dà 减价 jiǎn jià .
Baked beans are on offer this week at the local supermarket.
这个 zhè ge 外地人 wài dì rén 在 zài 当地 dāngdì 的 de 一家 yī jiā 商店 shāngdiàn 购物 gòuwù 时 shí 挨 āi 宰 zǎi 了 le .
This outsider was fleeced when he was shopping in a local shop.