平 Píng
Origin unclear.Positional decomposition
⿻干丷Number of Strokes
5Write it!
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Chinese word 平均 píngjūn .
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Example sentences using 平均 píngjūn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 平均 píngjūn in different contexts.
约翰 Yuē hàn 缴付 jiǎo fù 的 de 税款 shuì kuǎn 平均 píngjūn 达到 dádào 他 tā 收入 shōurù 的 de 五分之一 wǔ fēn zhī yī 左右 zuǒyòu .
John's taxes averaged out to about a fifth of his income.
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