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àn Meaning

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Pīnyīn Pronunciation
àn | an4
English translation
variant of àn [àn]
beach, coast, shore

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About àn

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Number of strokes


Traditional form


Contains the radical


Part of speech

Noun / 名词 míng cí Míngcí

Learning hint

A mountain  Shān cliff  hǎn gān provides the pronunciation

Etymology of àn

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word àn .

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Positional decomposition

Shān 厂干


The Shān (mountain) and hǎn (cliff) components hint at the landscape-related meaning. gān represents the sound.

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Chinese word àn .
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Example sentences using àn

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word àn in different contexts.

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小山 Xiàng 海岸 hǎi àn xià xié .

The hills subsided toward the shore.

gāi 遗址 yí zhǐ 位于 wèiyú Dōng 辽河 Liáo Hé 沿岸 yán àn ,面积 miànjī 2万余平方米 píng fāng mǐ .

The site, distributed over 2000 m 2, is situated by the Dong Liao River.

平壤 Píng rǎng 周五 Zhōu wǔ zài Dōng 海岸 hǎi àn Zēng 发射 fāshè le Méi 短程 duǎn chéng 导弹 dǎodàn .

On Friday, Pyongyang also fired a short - range missile off its east coast.

jiù zài 汉考克 de 团队 tuán duì zài Dōng 海岸 hǎi àn 开展 kāizhǎn 工作 gōngzuò de 时候 shíhou .

While Hancock and his team work on the east coast.

湖面如镜,岸上 àn shàng de 树木 shù mù 照得 zhào dé 清清楚楚.

The water of the lake mirrored all the trees on the bank.

Words with àn

Explore 20 words and sayings that include the Chinese character àn in their composition.

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海岸 hǎi àn coastal海岸 hǎi àn
两岸 liǎng àn bilateral兩岸
àn bank àn
岸边 àn biān shore岸邊
口岸 kǒu àn a port for external trade口岸 kǒu àn
上岸 shàng àn to go ashore上岸 shàng àn
海岸线 hǎi àn xiàn coastline海岸線
沿岸 yán àn coastal area沿岸 yán àn
对岸 duì àn opposite bank (of a body of water)對岸
岸上 àn shàng ashore岸上 àn shàng
靠岸 kào àn landfall靠岸 kào àn
彼岸 bǐ àn the other shore彼岸 bǐ àn
河岸 hé àn riverside河岸 hé àn
南岸 Nán àn Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan南岸 Nán àn
离岸 lí àn offshore離岸
岸然 àn rán solemn岸然 àn rán
堤岸 dī àn bank堤岸 dī àn
伟岸 wěi àn imposing偉岸
江岸 Jiāng àn Jiang'an district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市 Wǔ hàn shì [Wǔ​hàn​shì], Hubei江岸 Jiāng àn
南岸区 Nán àn qū Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan南岸區

àn Decomposition & Compounds

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àn Decomposition

See the 4 Chinese characters that make up àn and their own compounds.

àn Compounds

See all 4 Chinese words that contain the character àn in their composition.

  • àn
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Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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