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Chinese word 岸 àn .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
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Example sentences using 岸 àn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 岸 àn in different contexts.
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该 gāi 遗址 yí zhǐ 位于 wèiyú 东 Dōng 辽河 Liáo Hé 沿岸 yán àn ,面积 miànjī 2万余平方米 píng fāng mǐ .
The site, distributed over 2000 m 2, is situated by the Dong Liao River.
平壤 Píng rǎng 于 Yú 周五 Zhōu wǔ 在 zài 其 qí 东 Dōng 海岸 hǎi àn 曾 Zēng 发射 fāshè 了 le 一 yī 枚 Méi 短程 duǎn chéng 导弹 dǎodàn .
On Friday, Pyongyang also fired a short - range missile off its east coast.
Words with 岸 àn
Explore 20 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 岸 àn in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
海岸 hǎi àn | coastal | 海岸 hǎi àn | |
两岸 liǎng àn | bilateral | 兩岸 | |
岸 àn | bank | 岸 àn | |
岸边 àn biān | shore | 岸邊 | |
口岸 kǒu àn | a port for external trade | 口岸 kǒu àn | |
上岸 shàng àn | to go ashore | 上岸 shàng àn | |
海岸线 hǎi àn xiàn | coastline | 海岸線 | |
沿岸 yán àn | coastal area | 沿岸 yán àn | |
对岸 duì àn | opposite bank (of a body of water) | 對岸 | |
岸上 àn shàng | ashore | 岸上 àn shàng | |
靠岸 kào àn | landfall | 靠岸 kào àn | |
彼岸 bǐ àn | the other shore | 彼岸 bǐ àn | |
河岸 hé àn | riverside | 河岸 hé àn | |
南岸 Nán àn | Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan | 南岸 Nán àn | |
离岸 lí àn | offshore | 離岸 | |
岸然 àn rán | solemn | 岸然 àn rán | |
堤岸 dī àn | bank | 堤岸 dī àn | |
伟岸 wěi àn | imposing | 偉岸 | |
江岸 Jiāng àn | Jiang'an district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市 Wǔ hàn shì [Wǔhànshì], Hubei | 江岸 Jiāng àn | |
南岸区 Nán àn qū | Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan | 南岸區 |
岸 àn Decomposition & Compounds
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