Write it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 居然 jūrán .
Press the Show Strokes button to see the strokes and their order and hit Start Drawing when you are
ready to practice writing it yourself.
Example sentences using 居然 jūrán
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 居然 jūrán in different contexts.
她 tā 有点 yǒu diǎn 小题大做 xiǎo tí dà zuò 了 le ,这 zhè 活 huó 居然 jūrán 花 Huā 了她五 wǔ 个 gè 小时 xiǎoshí !
She made a meal of that job — it took her five hours!
不 bù 一 yī 会 huì ,我 wǒ 又 yòu 想 xiǎng 法子 fǎ zi 往旁处岔, 花言巧语 yǔ 地 de 把 bǎ 她 tā 那么 nà me 一哄,她 tā 就 jiù 居然 jūrán 把她的 de 故事 gùshì 粗枝大叶 cū zhī dà yè 地 de 说 shuì 了 le 一遍 yī biàn .
By and by I made another diversion, and beguiled her to sketch her story.
我 wǒ 在 zài 一 yī 匹 pī 马 Mǎ 身上 shēn shang 押 yā 了 le 十 shí 便士 biàn shì , 而 ér 它 tā 居然 jūrán 赢 yíng 了 le .
I staked ten pence upon a horse, and it won.