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姑娘 gūniang

姑娘 gūniang Meaning

Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 7 English Translations of the word 姑娘 gūniang .

Pīnyīn Pronunciation
gūniang | gu1 niang5
English translation
young woman
young lady
paternal aunt (old)

Learn the Chinese word 姑娘 gūniang in 7 easy steps:

About 姑娘 gūniang

Read some general information about the Chinese word 姑娘 gūniang .

Traditional form

姑娘 gūniang

Part of speech

Noun / 名词 míng cí Míngcí
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Etymology of 姑娘 gūniang

Familiarize yourself with the origin and historical aspects of the Chinese word 姑娘 gūniang .




Phonosemantic compound. represents the meaning and represents the sound.

Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes





Phonosemantic compound. represents the meaning and liáng represents the sound. Simplified form of niáng .

Phonetic compound


Semantic compound

Positional decomposition


Number of Strokes


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Chinese word 姑娘 gūniang .
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Example sentences using 姑娘 gūniang

Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 姑娘 gūniang in different contexts.

神仙 shénxiān Jiào de 魔法 mó fǎ 使 shǐ 灰姑娘 Huī gū niang de 破烂 pò làn 衣衫 yī shān 变成 biàn chéng le jiàn 漂亮 piàoliang de cháng 外衣 wài yī .

The fairy godmother's magic charm turned Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown.

shì 不是 bú shi 那个 nà ge 容易 róngyì 冲动 chōngdòng yòu hǎo 走极端 de 姑娘 gūniang 一切 yīqiè dōu 告诉 gàosu le xiá ?

Had the impulsive and desperate girl spoken out to Letitia to the fullest?

慢条斯理 màn tiáo sī lǐ de 样子 yàngzi 款款 kuǎn kuǎn jiān xiào de 神情 shén qíng ,简直 jiǎnzhí xiàng zhì Chéng 敦厚 dūn hòu 的大姑娘 gūniang .

The unhurried way in which he spoke and the gentle smile on his lips reminded you of an unaffected young girl.

保护 bǎohù zhāo 这位 zhè wèi 漂亮 piàoliang de 姑娘 gūniang zài 城里到处 dàochù guàng 一逛.

He squired the pretty girl about town.

zhè 小姑娘 hōng 爸爸 bàba gěi mǎi le jiàn Xīn 衣服 yīfu .

The little girl cajoled her father into buying her a new dress.

姑娘 gūniang Decomposition

See the 5 Chinese characters that make up 姑娘 gūniang and their own compounds.

姑娘 gūniang Compounds

See all 1 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 姑娘 gūniang in their composition.

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A Boy and his Dragon

Once upon a time, a Little Boy was living in a village near the woods. One day, a Dragon came out of the cave secluded in the middle of the forest and began to relentlessly follow the Little Boy, always breathing on the back of his neck, burning the young boy at his slightest misstep.

The child received refuge in an old Temple where there were no mirrors allowed, and it was forbidden to speak of life before entering the sanctum. Ancient books, hidden rooms with unimaginable treasures and beauty beyond comprehension, became part of the boy’s new life.

Time went by until, one day, the now old young boy accidentally glimpses his own reflection in a pond. The Dragon smiled back.

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