Number of strokes
8Traditional form
亱Contains the radical
夕 xīPart of speech
Time word / 时间词 Shíjiān cíType
ideographicWrite it!
Practice your Chinese writing skills and learn precisely where and when to draw every stroke of the
Chinese word 夜 yè .
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“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu Tweet
Example sentences using 夜 yè
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 夜 yè in different contexts.
To complete this step you need to listen to each of the five Chinese sentences at least once. and scroll down.
他 tā 只好 zhǐhǎo 靠着教 Jiào 夜校 yè xiào 的 de 收入 shōurù 将 jiāng 就 jiù 度日 dù rì .
He will have made do with his take from the night school.
他 tā 禁食 jìn shí 四十 sì shí 昼夜 zhòuyè , 后来 hòulái 就 jiù 饿 è 了 le .
After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.
Words with 夜 yè
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 夜 yè in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
夜 yè | variant of 夜 yè [yè] | 亱 | |
夜晚 yè wǎn | night | 夜晚 yè wǎn | |
半夜 bàn yè | midnight | 半夜 bàn yè | |
午夜 wǔ yè | midnight | 午夜 wǔ yè | |
夜间 yè jiān | nighttime | 夜間 | |
过夜 guò yè | overnight | 過夜 | |
深夜 shēn yè | very late at night | 深夜 shēn yè | |
夜里 yè li | at night | 夜裡 | |
夜总会 yè zǒng huì | nightclub | 夜總會 | |
黑夜 hēi yè | night | 黑夜 hēi yè | |
今夜 jīn yè | tonight | 今夜 jīn yè | |
熬夜 áoyè | to stay up late or all night | 熬夜 áoyè | |
整夜 zhěng yè | the whole night | 整夜 zhěng yè | |
夜班 yè bān | night shift | 夜班 yè bān | |
日夜 rì yè | day and night | 日夜 rì yè | |
宵夜 xiāo yè | midnight snack | 宵夜 xiāo yè | |
夜色 yè sè | night scene | 夜色 yè sè | |
连夜 lián yè | that very night | 連夜 | |
夜空 yè kōng | night sky | 夜空 yè kōng | |
昨夜 zuó yè | last night | 昨夜 zuó yè | |
前夜 qián yè | the eve | 前夜 qián yè | |
昼夜 zhòuyè | day and night | 晝夜 | |
夜宵 yè xiāo | midnight snack | 夜宵 yè xiāo | |
彻夜 chè yè | the whole night | 徹夜 | |
隔夜 gé yè | overnight | 隔夜 gé yè |
夜 yè Decomposition & Compounds
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