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Chinese word 商品 shāngpǐn .
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Example sentences using 商品 shāngpǐn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 商品 shāngpǐn in different contexts.
这 zhè 批 pī 商品 shāngpǐn 的 de 毛利 máo lì 估计 gūjì 为 wéi 两 liǎng 万 Mò 元 Yuán .
The goods are valued in gross profit at 20,000 yuan.
Caltrate 是 shì 在 zài 研究 yánjiū 中 Zhōng 使用 shǐyòng 的 de 钙 gài 制剂 zhì jì 商品 shāngpǐn 名 míng ,一日可 kě 服 fú 两 liǎng 片 piān ( 1200毫克 háo kè 钙 gài ).
Caltrate was the brand of calcium used in the study -- two tablets daily ( 1,200 mg calcium ).
该 gāi 商品 shāngpǐn 好 hǎo 销 xiāo . 敝 bì 公司 gōngsī 期望 qīwàng 贵 guì 公司 gōngsī 来 lái 订购 dìng gòu .
This commodity has ready market. We expect an order from you.
商品 shāngpǐn Compounds
See all 67 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 商品 shāngpǐn in their composition.
- 商 Shāng
- 品 pǐn
- 區 qū
- 歐 ōu , 彄, 熰 ōu , 饇 yù , 傴, 剾, 嘔 ǒu , 塸, 奩 lián , 嫗 yù , 嶇 qū , 慪 òu , 摳 kōu , 樞 shū , 漚 ōu , 瞘 kōu , 膒, 蓲, 謳 ōu , 貙, 軀 qū , 醧, 鏂, 驅 qū , 鰸
- 喿 zào
- 澡 zǎo
- 藻 zǎo
- 操 cāo , 躁 zào , 噪 zào , 燥 zào , 臊 sāo , 懆 cǎo , 橾 shū , 璪 zǎo , 缲 qiāo , 趮 zào , 髞 sào , 僺, 劋, 嬠, 幧, 矂, 繰 qiāo , 襙, 譟, 鐰, 鱢
- 霝 líng
- 酃 líng , 孁, 龗
- 嵒 yán
- 癌 ái , 澏
- 喦 niè , 嵓 yán , 楍 běn , 榀, 煰 zào , 碞 yán , 偘, 蕚, 闆 bǎn