Pictograph of two mouths facing each other.Positional decomposition
⿱亼口Number of Strokes
6Write it!
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Chinese word 合同 hétong .
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Example sentences using 合同 hétong
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 合同 hétong in different contexts.
除 chú 买卖 mǎi mài 合同 hétong 有 yǒu 规定 guīdìng 外 wài ,单 Shàn 据 jù 不 bù 用 yòng 航空 hángkōng 寄 jì 递 dì .
The documents shall not be forwarded by air route unless the contract of sail so provides.
自由 zìyóu 签订 qiān dìng 本 běn 合同 hétong 是 shì 至关重要 zhì guān zhòng yào 的 de .
It is vital that the contract be freely entered into.
由于 yóuyú 签署 qiānshǔ 人中 rén zhōng 有 yǒu 一位年纪 niánjì 太 tài 轻 qīng ,法官 fǎ guān 宣告 xuān gào 合同 hétong 无效 wú xiào .
The judge annulled the contract because one of the signers was too young.
合同 hétong Compounds
See all 118 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 合同 hétong in their composition.
- 合 gě
- 拿 ná
- 镎 ná , 嗱, 鎿
- 答 dā
- 撘, 劄 zhā , 譗
- 弇 yǎn
- 啽 án , 媕 ān , 揜 yǎn , 渰 yǎn , 鞥 ēng , 葊, 黭
- 翕 xī
- 噏 xī , 嶖 yān , 歙 shè , 潝 xī , 闟 xī , 嬆, 熻, 蹹
- 荅 dā
- 畣
- 墖
- 给 gěi , 哈 Hā , 盒 hé , 拾 shè , 恰 qià , 鸽 gē , 蛤 há , 洽 qià , 颌 hé , 給 gěi , 铪 hā , 龛 kān , 龕 kān , 乨 shǐ , 峇 bā , 搿 gé , 欱 hē , 祫 xiá , 翖 xī , 袷 jiá , 跲 jiá , 郃 hé , 閤 gé , 饸 hé , 佮, 冾, 匌, 匼, 垥, 姶, 峆, 帢, 搻, 敆, 樖, 烚, 珨, 硆, 秴, 粭, 耠 huō , 詥, 鉿, 鞈, 韐, 頜 hé , 餄 hé , 鮯, 鴿 gē
- 同 tóng