势 shì
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势 shì Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 14 English Translations of the word 势 shì .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- shì | shi4
- English translation
- power
- influence
- potential
- momentum
- tendency
- trend
- situation
- conditions
- outward appearance
- sign
- gesture
- male genitals
- power, force; tendency, attitude
Learn the Chinese word 势 shì in 8 easy steps:
Write it!
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Chinese word 势 shì .
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Spread the word
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Example sentences using 势 shì
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 势 shì in different contexts.
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他 tā 两 liǎng 手 shǒu 一 yī 摊 tān ,打了个表示 biǎoshì 歉意 qiàn yì 的 de 手势 shǒushì .
He made a little apologetic gesture with both hands.
如果 rúguǒ 他 tā 继续 jìxù 这样 zhè yàng 下去 xià qù , 势必 shìbì 有 yǒu 一 yī 天 tiān 要 yāo 蹲 dūn 监狱 jiānyù .
If he goes on like this, he will be imprisoned some day.
只有 zhǐyǒu 熟知 shú zhī 这 zhè 一带 yī dài 地势 dìshì 的 de 人 rén 才 cái 能 Néng 择 zé 路 Lù 穿行 chuān xíng 那 Nā 片 piān 矮 ǎi 树林 Shù lín .
Only someone knowing the terrain intimately could have picked his way through all that underbrush.
Words with 势 shì
Explore 25 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 势 shì in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
优势 yōushì | superiority | 優勢 | |
姿势 zīshì | posture | 姿勢 | |
势 shì | power | 勢 shì | |
形势 xíngshì | circumstances | 形勢 | |
趋势 qūshì | trend | 趨勢 | |
局势 júshì | situation | 局勢 | |
势力 shìli | power | 勢力 | |
走势 zǒu shì | tendency | 走勢 | |
手势 shǒushì | gesture | 手勢 | |
强势 qiáng shì | strong | 強勢 | |
势头 shì tóu | power | 勢頭 | |
气势 qìshì | loftiness | 氣勢 | |
伤势 shāng shì | condition of an injury | 傷勢 | |
态势 tài shì | posture | 態勢 | |
攻势 gōng shì | (military) offensive | 攻勢 | |
虚张声势 xū zhāng shēng shì | (false) bravado | 虛張聲勢 | |
权势 quán shì | power | 權勢 | |
劣势 liè shì | inferior | 劣勢 | |
火势 huǒ shì | lively | 火勢 | |
势必 shìbì | to be bound to | 勢必 | |
架势 jià shi | attitude | 架勢 | |
装腔作势 zhuāng qiāng zuò shì | posturing | 裝腔作勢 | |
情势 qíng shì | situation | 情勢 | |
势利 shì lì | snobbish | 勢利 | |
顺势 shùn shì | to take advantage | 順勢 |