劝 quàn
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劝 quàn Meaning
Learn the Pinyin Pronunciation and 7 English Translations of the word 劝 quàn .
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- Pīnyīn Pronunciation
- quàn | quan4
- English translation
- to advise
- to urge
- to try to persuade
- to exhort
- to console
- to soothe
- to recommend, to advise; to urge, to exhort
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Chinese word 劝 quàn .
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Example sentences using 劝 quàn
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 劝 quàn in different contexts.
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我 wǒ 劝 quàn 了 le 他 tā 半天 bàn tiān ,嘴皮都 dōu 快 kuài 磨 mó 破 pò 了 le .
I talked till my jaws ached, trying to bring him around.
我 wǒ 听从 tīng cóng 医生 yīshēng 的 de 劝告 quàn gào ,把 bǎ 烟 yān 戒 jiè 了 le .
I heeded my doctor's advice and stopped smoking.
Words with 劝 quàn
Explore 24 words and sayings that include the Chinese character 劝 quàn in their composition.
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Frequency | Simplified | Meaning | Traditional |
劝 quàn | to advise | 勸 quàn | |
劝说 quàn shuō | to persuade | 勸說 | |
劝告 quàn gào | to advise | 勸告 | |
劝阻 quàn zǔ | to dissuade | 勸阻 | |
奉劝 fèng quàn | may I offer a bit of advice | 奉勸 | |
劝导 quàn dǎo | to advise | 勸導 | |
规劝 guī quàn | to advise | 規勸 | |
劝解 quàn jiě | conciliation | 勸解 | |
劝架 quàn jià | to mediate in a quarrel | 勸架 | |
劝慰 quàn wèi | to console | 勸慰 | |
相劝 xiāng quàn | to persuade | 相勸 | |
劝退 quàn tuì | to try to persuade sb to give up (their job, plans etc) | 勸退 | |
劝酒 quàn jiǔ | to urge sb to drink alcohol | 勸酒 | |
劝谏 quàn jiàn | to admonish | 勸諫 | |
劝诱 quàn yòu | to coax | 勸誘 | |
劝学 quàn xué | On learning, classic book by Confucian philosopher Xun Zi 荀子 Xún zǐ (c. 310-237 BC) | 勸學 | |
劝和 quàn hé | to mediate | 勸和 | |
劝诫 quàn jiè | to exhort | 勸誡 | |
劝勉 quàn miǎn | to advise | 勸勉 | |
解劝 jiě quàn | to soothe | 解勸 | |
禄劝 Lù quàn | Luquan Yizu Miaozu autonomous county in Yunnan | 祿勸 | |
禄劝县 Lù quàn xiàn | Luquan Yi and Miao autonomous county in Kunming 昆明 Kūn míng [Kūnmíng], Yunnan | 祿勸縣 | |
哄劝 hǒng quàn | to coax | 哄勸 | |
劝化 quàn huà | to beg for alms | 勸化 |