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Chinese word 兔子 tùzi .
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Example sentences using 兔子 tùzi
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 兔子 tùzi in different contexts.
那 Nā 位 wèi 魔术师 mó shù shī 将 jiāng 魔 mó 棒 bàng 在 zài 手帕 shǒu pà 上 shǎng 一 yī 挥 huī ,就 jiù 蹦 bèng 出 chū 了 le 一只兔子 tùzi .
The magician held his wand over the handkerchief and out hopped a rabbit.
魔术师 mó shù shī 手 shǒu 一 yī 挥 huī 兔子 tùzi 便 biàn 不见 bù jiàn 了 le .
With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit vanish.
兔子 tùzi Compounds
See all 93 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 兔子 tùzi in their composition.
- 兔 tù
- 子 zǐ
- 好 hǎo
- 孬 nāo , 恏 hào
- 享 xiǎng
- 敦 dūn
- 郭 guō
- 廓 kuò , 墎
- 孰 shú
- 醇 chún , 淳 chún , 鹑 chún , 谆 zhūn , 椁 guǒ , 惇 dūn , 亸 duǒ , 啍 tūn , 崞 guō , 焞 tūn , 犉 rún , 錞, 鯙 chún , 嚲, 埻, 弴, 朜, 稕, 綧, 蜳, 諄 zhūn , 鞟, 韕, 鶉 chún
- 斿 yóu
- 孨 zhuǎn
- 仔 zǎi , 李 Lǐ , 籽 zǐ , 囝 jiǎn , 屘 mǎn , 惸 qióng , 耔 zǐ , 吇, 斈 xué , 杍, 汓, 矷 zǐ , 秄, 箰, 芓, 虸, 覎, 觃 yàn , 賯, 逰, 釨