Pictograph of a man with writing (possibly a tattoo) on his chest. In later scripts the writing was abbreviated to a dot or omitted altogether.Positional decomposition
⿱亠乂Number of Strokes
4Write it!
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Chinese word 作文 zuòwén .
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ready to practice writing it yourself.
Example sentences using 作文 zuòwén
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 作文 zuòwén in different contexts.
老师 lǎoshī 叫 jiào 我 wǒ 们 men 写 xiě 题为 “ 我 wǒ 的 de 暑假 shǔ jià ” 的 de 作文 zuòwén .
Our teacher asked us to write essays on " My Summer Holidays ".
这 zhè 篇 piān 作文 zuòwén 还 Huán 不错 bù cuò , 不过 bùguò 还 Huán 可以 kěyǐ 改进 gǎijìn .
The composition is all right, but there is room for improvement.
教师 jiào shī 挑选 tiāo xuǎn 出 chū 一 yī 篇 piān 作文 zuòwén 来 lái 供 gōng 课堂 kè táng 上 shǎng 讨论 tǎolùn .
The teacher singled out one composition for class discussion.
作文 zuòwén Compounds
See all 64 Chinese words that contain the characters that make up the word 作文 zuòwén in their composition.
- 作 zuò
- 筰 zuó , 宱, 莋
- 文 Wén
- 斑 bān
- 癍 bān
- 刘 liú
- 浏 liú
- 虔 qián
- 嘑, 摢
- 吝 lìn
- 悋, 麐
- 闵 mǐn
- 悯 mǐn
- 旻 mín
- 琝 mín , 閺 wén , 渂
- 斉 qí
- 剤 jì , 済 jì , 緕
- 閔 mǐn
- 憫 mǐn , 潣, 燘, 簢
- 这 zhè , 纹 wén , 坟 fén , 斐 fěi , 蚊 wén , 紊 wěn , 斋 zhāi , 雯 wén , 斌 bīn , 汶 wèn , 斓 lán , 玟 wén , 紋 wén , 炆 wén , 対 duì , 妏 wèn , 忞 mín , 抆 wèn , 斎 zhāi , 斒 bān , 旼 mín , 珳 wén , 蚉 wén , 伩 xìn , 呅, 彣, 忟, 斈 xué , 斊, 斍, 斏, 斕 lán , 斖, 盿, 砇, 芠, 螡, 螤, 鈫, 馼, 魰, 鳼, 鴍, 鼤