Traditional form
傳說Part of speech
Noun / 名词 míng cí MíngcíWrite it!
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Chinese word 传说 chuánshuō .
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Example sentences using 传说 chuánshuō
Broaden your vocabulary by interacting with 5 audio-assisted sentences using the Chinese word 传说 chuánshuō in different contexts.
我 wǒ 听 yǐn 过 Guò 的 de 种种 zhǒng zhǒng 传说 chuánshuō ,一层 yī céng 一节都 dōu 记 jì 起来 qǐlai 了 le ,越发 yuè fā 令 Líng 我 wǒ 觉得 juéde 张 Zhāng 惶 huáng 失措 shī cuò .
The stories I had heard were coming back in disconcerting detail.
除 chú 听 yǐn 人 rén 传说 chuánshuō 的 de 以外 yǐ wài ,我 wǒ 什么 shénme 都 dōu 不 bù 知道 zhīdào .
I don't know anything about it myself except from hearsay.
白宫 Bái gōng 传说 chuánshuō 埃 āi 莉 lì 偌 ruò 被 bèi 富兰克林 Fù lán kè lín 气 qì 坏 huài 了 le .
It circled around the White House that Eleanor was most annoyed with Franklin.